Ways You Can Talk With The Animals

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Ways You Can Talk With The Animals

1 lượt thích / 7 lượt đọc
Many times people will say to me "I wish I could do what you do!", and I always say the same thing "You CAN!". In fact you Do you do it on a daily basis, it's just that you're not aware that you're doing it. The difference between us is that I do it consistently on a daily basis and so can YOU. In my workshops, I let my students know that doing any intuitive work is like going to the gym. When you first go you don't start lifting the 100lb weights (well maybe some of you do ;-)) but normally you start off with the lighter weights and eventually build up to the heavier ones. This is the same with animal communication, the more you do it the stronger & better at it you become. #Maya

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