BangVelvet ❌ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
377 lượt thích / 5510 lượt đọc
Tôi xin trang trọng thề rằng, tôi đang mưu toan điều không tốt!"
Release: 03/09/2021
5 chương mới nhất truyện BangVelvet ❌ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Danh sách chương BangVelvet ❌ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- Accio /Ah-kee-oh/
- Profile: 🅶 R Y F F I N D O R
- Profile: 🅷 U F F L E P U F F
- Profile: 🆁 A V E N C L A W
- Profile: 🆂 L Y T H E R I N
- I. ⚜️Alohomora ⚜️
- II. Hogwarts Great Grand Hall and Sorting Performance
- III. Gryffindor House
- IV. Slytherin House
- V. Ravenclaw House
- VI. I wanna got my own guardian angel
- VII. Expecto Patronum
- VIII. Before the thunderstorms
- IX. The Anxiety Of Leaders
- X. Appare Vestigium
- XI. The Secret
- XII. Quidditch: The Opening.
- XIII. Quidditch: Gryffindor Vs. HufflePuff
- XIV. Cuppa For Fancy?
- XV. The Threat
- XVI. Something Turns Worse
- XVII. Hufflepuff House
- XVIII. Late At Midnight
- XIX. Dynamic event