THEN & NOW (Completed)

39 Dream came true


Part 39 Dream came true

"You?" Both Arnav and Kiran asked surprisingly.

That made Khushi and Sagar also surprised. Did they know each other? But how?

"Do you know Kiran, ma'am?" Khushi asked Arnav.

"Yeah, we knew each other," Arnav said.

"Do you remember the bomb blast that happened in Kashmir?" Kiran asked.

Khushi nodded yes. How could she forget it? Kiran kept on talking about the bomb blast and its effect.

"You went to help the family on the behalf of our NGO," Khushi said.

"He was serving in Kashmir at that time. He was the one who handed over one of the solder's bodies to his mother who lived in Delhi"


"I was there when they handed the body. Don't ask me how his mother and daughter cried seeing his body..." Kiran said feeling sad.

"Didn't his wife cry?" Sagar asked.

"His wife already expired," Arnav said and Kiran nodded yes.

"He was my batch mate... Veer Singh. His wife died of cancer. His old-aged mother is the one who is taking care of his daughter after his death."

"Do you know how they are?" Khushi asked.

"Yeah... I often call them. After coming from service also I met them. It's very horrible to lead a life without anyone" Arnav said looking at Khushi with deep meaning.

Kiran smiled, understanding the meaning.

"How do they run life?" Sagar asked.

"With his pension"

"What the girl is doing?" Khushi asked.

"She is in eighth grade I suppose"

"Shall we go to their house and meet them once?" Khushi asked.

Arnav nodded yes.

"When I met him that time, I don't know he is your husband," Kiran said.

"Yeah, I too don't know Khushi is in your protection..."

"Dad, your reunion was destined to be amazingly awesome. That's why you guys met at Madhav's place" Sagar said.

"Is it?" Kiran asked.

"Haan, Nani, (Sagar calls Kiran Nani from the beginning) it was an emotional and heart-touching reunion" he explained their reunion to Kiran.

"Everything will happen as per fate. However, you got together. It's enough." Kiran said.

"I got transferred to Delhi," Khushi said.

"That's good..."

"I hope you are not disappointed with me"

"No way... Not at all... How could I be disappointed with you? You are going to be with your husband. I'm so glad about it. Finally, you got your love back" Kiran smiled.

"Thank you, madam"

Khushi shared a hug with her.

"Keep coming when you get time"


Khushi got her transfer order with Kiran's help on the same day. They stayed at Meerut that day. Arnav got to know what kind of life Khushi and Sagar led so far.

They took Kiran's leave the next day and came to Aman's place.

"Hi, Arnav... come" Aman welcomed them.

"Did you do what I say?" Arnav asked.

"Yeah... come and see. You will like it" Aman started his bike.

"Khushi, we will be back," Arnav said and went with Aman.

Khushi nodded ok. Sanju, hoped on Sagar. They started playing whereas Khushi went to the kitchen with Nisha to help her with cooking.

After an hour, Arnav came with Aman.

"Where did you go?" Khushi asked.

"To see a flat"


"I liked it... I hope you too will like it. We will finalize it if you say yes"

"Do it"

"Yeah... come and see it"

"No need... if you liked it, I too will like it"


Cutting him,

"Arnav... I used to adjust to any place. I will be fine with anything and there is nothing to think about when you are with me. I don't want anything but you..."

Arnav rolled his eyes smiling.

"Sagar, you, come and see the flat"

"Dad... You would have seen a good place only. Finalize it, Dad"

"What a wife and son I got..." Arnav chuckled.

Khushi and Sagar smiled at each other.

"Shall I LOCK it, computer ji?" Arnav asked.

"Yeah" Khushi and Sagar laughed.

"Aman, call him and say we liked it"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... I have such a wife and son who don't want to trouble me" Arnav said.

Arnav's family had a very good time with Aman's family. Especially, Sanjay. Nisha was overwhelmed when Aman told her Khushi got transferred to Delhi for Sanju.

"Thank you so much, Khushi," She said clutching Khushi's hand.

"There is nothing to be emotional. I just came to Delhi for Arnav" Khushi said.

Arnav and Khushi shifted to their new house with Sagar. Khushi and Sagar liked the flat very much. They arranged the things in the flat that Khushi brought from Meerut.

"What else should we buy? Make a list" Arnav asked.

"As of now, nothing is needed. We will buy if it is necessary" Khushi said.

"Are you sure?"


Arnav and Khushi occupied the master bedroom.

"Sagar, choose your room," Arnav said as it was a 3BHK flat.

Sagar choose the room that was opposite Arshi's room. Though Khushi said she didn't need anything Arnav ordered something that was much needed.

"Dad, this is so super," Sagar said looking at the city through the window.

"This view is so nice," Khushi said.

"Mom, we are on the ninth floor"


Arnav came and stood in between them.

"How much is its rent, Dad?"

"Rent? This is our flat... I mean, Khushi's flat"

"Whaaat?" Khushi almost shouted.

"Yeah, Aman's friend sold it out. Tomorrow is registration. Will do it in Khushi's name"

"Is it, Dad?" Sagar asked excitedly.

"Yeah... I have got a massive amount as my provident fund. I didn't have any plans until I met you. But, now, settling down in life is most important to me." Arnav smiled.

"Did you get that much money?" Sagar asked.

"Yeah... I didn't like to enjoy life. My parents also didn't get money from me as they were angry with me. So, I saved it in my PF account. I didn't even avail my yearly leave to the fullest as I didn't like to come to Delhi. So, I encashed my leave. So, I got payment in the double with my PF."

"Oh... interesting"

"Yeah, I want the money to be used in a useful way. That's why I bought it for Khushi"

"You are so sweet, Dad"

"By the way, when is your college reopens?"

"In two days, Dad"

"Oh... I thought to take you on a trip. Madhav also asked for it"

"We will go in the Christmas holidays, Dad"

"Mmmm... Ok. Ask Madhav to be prepared"

"He is always ready," Sagar said smiling.

"What about you, Owner madam?" Arnav asked Khushi with a smile.


"Yeah, you are the owner of this house... if you say to get out, I and Sagar should leave the house, silently... what say Sagar?" Arnav pulled her leg.

Khushi dropped her jaw whereas Sagar laughed.

"Haha... Dad, look at her face, she will get a heart attack if we leave her" Sagar teased.

"Stop making fun and say what do you want to eat?" Khushi asked.

"I will eat whatever you cook."

"Did you ever eat Mom's handmade food?" Sagar asked.

Arnav nodded no.

"Mom, then prepares Aloo Puri and make Dad flat," Sagar said.

"I'm already flat" Arnav murmured which was audible to only Khushi.

She gestured for him to be quiet and Arnav smiled.

Though Arnav said he was already flat Khushi made him flat again by her aloo and puri. Arnav ate with satisfaction after a long time. He liked the setup very much. He and his family, are at their house. He never thought that day would come in his life.

That was when someone knocked on the door. Arnav opened the door and nodded yes. Khushi and Sagar saw a few men bringing two mattresses. They kept it in and left.

"When did you order this?"

"When we came here"

Before Arnav said anything, Sagar took the SINGLE cot mattress to his room.

"Is it necessary now?" Khushi asked.

"Of course... this is indeed necessary... especially for me... just to save my knees"

"Knees?" Khushi frowned.

Arnav smirked at her teasingly. Khushi dropped her jaw when she understood the meaning.

"Shhhh... what if Sagar hears?"

"He is not around" Arnav smiled.

Sagar came out and said,

"Good night Dad..."

"Good night, my son"

Sagar again went to his room and closed the door.

"Shall we?" Arnav asked.

Khushi got into their room. Arnav arranged the bed and lay down relaxing.

"Huff... how relaxed," he said looking at Khushi.

She nodded yes.

"It all seems like a dream to me"

Arnav pulled her towards him and bit her cheek.

"Ahhhh..." Khushi rubbed her cheek.

"You are not dreaming" He smiled.

Khushi leaned on his chest, and said,

"I know"

Arnav embraced her in his arms. That was the phase they wanted to live in... that was the life they were dreamt of... Finally, they got what they wanted.

To be continued...

Note: The next update of Then & Now will be the last update. 

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