Star Crossed

Chapter 17


“Say that again.”

“I’m going back to Minnie.”

(I came back for you)

“Yuri. Look into my eyes and tell me.”

The girl inhaled deeply and did as she was told. “I’m going back to Minnie.”

(I waited all these years)

“You are lying, Kwon Yuri. Did my dad say something to you? Why are you suddenly behaving this way?” Jessica said, refusing to believe every single word.

“He didn’t. I’ve just been thinking a lot recently. Your sudden return made me confused. I thought I still had feelings for you, but it wasn’t the case. I still love Hyomin. You shouldn’t have come back. You ruined my relationship with her.”

(All these years… Just to come back to you)

“Liar.” she glared at the taller girl. Jessica had never seen this side of Yuri before, her warm dark eyes and her forced cold tone were a complete mismatch.

“I’m sorry, Jessica.” she stated.

“Stop calling me Jessica. You never call me that!” Jessica yelled in frustration.

The tanned girl picked up her bags and walked to the door. “I’m leaving.”

(Every day I’d rely on your smile)

Jessica gave chase immediately. “Yuri don’t… Please… I know you! You’re keeping something from me! Tell me… We can work it out! Please...!!” she begged, holding onto the girl’s arms.

“There’s nothing to work out between us. I lost it... since 3 years ago.”

(Your kind eyes)

“Stop this!!!” Jessica pleaded. “What did my father say to you Yuri?!!”

The girl completely ignored her and walked out of the apartment.

“Yuri!! Wait…” Jessica ran down the hallway and hugged Yuri from behind. Her tears fell on Yuri’s shoulders, creating wet patches on her shirt. “You are lying… Yuri…”

(Your 3 words at the airport)

Yuri tried to wriggle out of her embrace, but Jessica refused to budge. She held on even tighter. “I’m really sorry, Jessica. Let me go.”

“Don’t… call me that…”

“Are you ready to go, Yuri?” the one person whom Jessica least wanted to see was here, and it only made Jessica feel worse than she already was. Hearing Hyomin call out the tanned girl’s name triggered even more tears, the way the two syllables sounded; so full of love, hurt Jessica immensely. It was at that moment that Jessica felt that only she herself was allowed to call Yuri’s name in that tone. She felt possessive, that Yuri was hers. She didn’t care how selfish it seemed.

Yuri and Hyomin aren’t meant for each other. In fact, Yuri and anyone else, cannot work out.

Jessica could only desperately hold onto Yuri, but the tears, the despair, and the hopelessness was wearing her out.

(To keep me going)

“Yea, I’m ready.” Yuri held onto Jessica’s arms and gently pried them apart. Without turning to look at the devastated girl, she said, “Take care of yourself.” and then started walking away.

In haste, Jessica reached forward and grabbed onto Yuri’s wrist to prevent her from walking further. But it was an empty wrist.

“Where’s your bracelet, Yuri??” she exclaimed.

The tanned girl looked down at her hand for a moment. “Oh, I guess I lost it.”

(Don’t leave me now)

Yuri was cold. She wasn’t the same Yuri that Jessica knew. This girl in front of her was a total stranger. “No… You’re lying… This is all an act…” Jessica was crying uncontrollably now. “Tell me what’s wrong…”

Wriggling her hand out of Jessica’s grip, “I’m sorry.” the girl stated without turning back, and then disappeared down the hallway.

(I don’t know what I’d do without you)




(Years ago, back in high school)

But she’s a girl.


I can’t possibly…


…like a girl,


can I?

“Sicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wake up.”

Jessica refused to budge despite Yuri’s countless attempts.

“Seriously, whoever coined ‘sleep like a log’ should change it to ‘sleep like Jessica Jung’.”

“I heard that, Kwon Yul.”

“Oh you’re awake!” Yuri exclaimed.

Jessica lifted her head from the table. She had dozed off in the library while waiting for Yuri for their study session. She looked up at the girl who was towering over her, her deep dark eyes looking right back into hers. She tried to shoot an icy glare at the irritating human alarm, but Yuri’s gaze, the comfortable warmth of her gaze, melted it completely.

But if I could wake up to those eyes…

“I am now. You ruined a good dream.” Jessica shyly averted her gaze from Yuri’s, effectively masking it as anger.

“Oops, sorry about that.”

that dorky smile…

“And sorry for being late! I ran into this granny on the way here she was carrying a whole lot of stuff and she seemed like she was struggling so I helped her carry everything home but I didn’t realize her house was that far away--” Yuri continued babbling.

and that kind soul…

“I ran as fast as I could here! I swear!” Yuri said, flashing her humblest possible expression.

Jessica stayed silent, still wearing her poker face.

“Awww Sicaaaaaaaaa, don’t be mad! I’ll treat you to dinner okay?” the girl grabbed onto Jessica’s shoulders and shook them lightly.

Only if it’s Kwon Yuri…

“Okay.” Jessica finally said with a smile.

Then I guess, I could fall in love.

(end of flashback)


“How’s she doing?” Taeyeon got off the couch once she spotted Tiffany coming out of the room.

“She finally slept after all that crying.”

Taeyeon walked over to her girlfriend and led her to the couch. “You must be tired, Fany.” she said as she gently massaged Tiffany’s shoulders.

“I’m okay.” she flashed a smile and patted Taeyeon’s hand. “Thank s for letting Jessi have our bedroom Tete. I really don’t feel safe leaving her alone in that house. Everything in there reminds her of… URGH.” Tiffany gritted her teeth in frustration. “I can’t even say her name without getting fired up.”

Taeyeon stopped massaging and hugged Tiffany from the back. “One day, I’m gonna find Kwon Yuri and sock her when I have the chance.” Taeyeon hissed.

Tiffany leaned her face back against her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Don’t even mention her name. It makes my blood boil. No one plays around with my best friend’s feelings like that.”

“Leave Yuri alone.” a voice came from the bedroom.

“Jessi, aren’t you sleeping?”

“I couldn’t.”

The two girls watched as the girl walked over to the single-seater and sat on it, huddled in a blanket. She ran a hand across the armrest of the couch. A single tear fell onto the smooth leather of the armrest as she recalled how Yuri had disliked this couch and insisted on a loveseat, inevitably leading to more reminiscing.


“The Kwon Yuri I know isn’t like that. I know her. She’s doing this for some reason...” she sobbed, face buried in her hands. “Why doesn’t she tell me anything…?”

Taeyeon watched as the once cool and unaffected-by-everything Jessica Jung, with eyes red and swollen, get weaker and more helpless. She pitied her, but she couldn’t stand the thought of the girl living in denial. If no one wanted to deliver the truth, she would. “She played with your feelings, Sica. Why else would she leave you to go back to that girl? You saw it, that girl was here!”

“Yuri’s not like that.” Jessica retorted, agitated.

“How do you know? After all, she got involved with her when you were gone!”


Tiffany held onto her girlfriend to prevent her from saying anymore. “Jessi, Tete does have a point. Listen, we don’t know what happened to Yuri these 3 years. You cannot dismiss that possibility.” Tiffany explained, using her gentlest tone possible. Someone had to be the mediator.

“Then why did she leave her for me in the first place??” Jessica said, softly. “Why did she say those 3 words to me? Why did she give me this necklace??” she sobbed as she clutched onto the metal. “These weeks… meant nothing to her?”

Taeyeon sighed. “We don’t know. But you cannot deny that it might be true, Sica.”

Jessica kept silent, sobbing softly. “I want to see Yuri.” she stood up from the couch.

“Don’t be silly.”

Jessica ignored Taeyeon’s comment and grabbed her bag from the table. She then headed straight for the door.

“Jessi, wait!” Tiffany called out but to no avail, the girl had already made her way out. Frantic, Tiffany turned to Taeyeon. “Let’s go, Tete.”


“I told you guys not to follow me.”

“We’re worried for you, Jessi.”

Jessica sighed in frustration, fixing her eyes on the closed door. Tiffany and Taeyeon stood silently behind her, keeping watch.

Moments later, the door opened, revealing Yoona, who seemed to be half asleep. “Sica?”

Jessica peeked into the apartment. “Is Yuri asleep?”

Hesitating a while, Yoona replied, “She isn’t here.” with a look of sympathy in her eyes.

Jessica entered the apartment, disbelieving in Yoona’s statement. She searched the rooms, to find no sign of Yuri’s belongings.

The kitchen. Her juicer must be here.

Running over to the kitchen, she opened the cabinets one by one. Food, food, and more food. No juicer, and not even a trace of Ma was found.

“Sica. Yuri’s moved back with Hyomin.” Sooyoung said as she emerged from the room.

“Impossible. They’re not back together. It’s all an act.” Jessica stated. “You two, cut it out. I know she tells you both everything.” Jessica glared at the two girls.

Sooyoung sighed and looked at the girl sympathetically. “I’m sorry for what she did to you, but it’s true,” she tried to say as slowly as possible. “She’s really back with Hyomin.”

Jessica exhaled and crossed her arms, angered that the whole world was trying to persuade her against something she strongly believed in. “Fine. Give me her address.”

“Jessi, let’s just go home alright? It’s late now.” Tiffany pleaded.

“I want her address. Now.” Jessica demanded, staring at Sooyoung.

Sooyoung sighed and grabbed a pen from the table. She scribbled the address down. “It’s not far from here.” She handed her the piece of paper and looked apologetically at Jessica. “I’m sorry.”


The doorbell rang as Jessica pressed on it continuously. Behind her, Tiffany and Taeyeon desperately pleaded her to go home. They knew how much it would hurt the girl if she were to witness anything.

“Sica, we shouldn’t be here. What are you trying to do?” Taeyeon questioned.

“Jessi please. Let’s just go now.” Tiffany tugged on Jessica’s arm.

Jessica ignored the both of them. “Why isn’t anyone getting the door?!” she huffed as she pressed on the doorbell again and again.

Eventually, the door opened. It was Hyomin. The girl was taken aback to see them at this hour, but still managed a smile and a bow as Jessica and Taeyeon were older.

Jessica bit on her tongue, as the tears were threatening to fall again. Seeing Hyomin made her extremely uncomfortable. Thoughts of them together flooded her head, but she pushed them off for now. “I-Is Yuri here?”

Hyomin nodded. “She’s… inside. Come in.”

“Sorry for disturbing this late at night.” Taeyeon apologized.

Hyomin shook her head and smiled slightly. “It’s okay…”

Hyomin’s kindness only served to make Jessica feel worse. The fact that there was nothing to hate on about the girl made Jessica look like the selfish, bad one. Biting on her lip, Jessica proceeded into the apartment.

As soon as the three girls stepped into the apartment, Jessica spotted Yuri’s bag on the floor. There was an immediate sinking feeling in her stomach. Walking past the kitchen, she spotted Yuri’s juicer on the kitchen counter. There was no doubt now. Yuri was here.

“She’s… sleeping in that bedroom.” Hyomin said, pointing in the direction of a particular room. Unknown to Jessica, it was Hyomin’s room. However, Jessica did wonder if the both of them were sleeping in the same room, and it made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Unintentionally, Jessica glared at the girl, which caused the latter to avert her gaze.

“We’ll wait here for you.” Tiffany said, giving Jessica the space she needed.

Hyomin turned to Taeyeon and Tiffany. “Please sit, I’ll get you something to drink.” she said as she entered the kitchen.

Taking a deep breath, Jessica approached the bedroom. The door was half opened.

The room was all dark, faintly illuminated by the moonlight that streamed in through the windows. Like a spotlight, it shone lightly on the figure on the bed.

She was partially naked. She also smelled of alcohol.

Seeing Yuri in this state, Jessica desperately tried to prevent her thoughts from running wild. She approached the sleeping girl, pulled the blanket over her body and gently shook her. “Yuri.” The girl stirred a little. “Wake up, Seobang.”

“Seeee…” The girl suddenly reached out and pulled Jessica down on the bed, astonishing the girl. “…car…”

Jessica laid in Yuri’s arms for a while, too absorbed in the comfort of it to notice what Yuri slurred. “Kwon Seobang…” Jessica muttered, sobbing a little. Despite having only been a day, Jessica missed being in the girl’s arms, and she didn’t want it to end. She hugged the girl tightly. “Yuri, come home with me. You don’t have to do this anymore.” she whispered in her ear.


Yuri slightly opened her eyes. She looked at the girl in her arms.


Jessica didn’t notice that Yuri was awake. Keeping the blonde in that embrace for just a while more, Yuri then gently pushed the girl off her. “What are you doing here.”

“Bringing you home. Please stop this. Tell me what’s wrong.” Jessica said sincerely, and with full of hope, especially after the embrace.

“Nothing’s wrong. You’re in denial.” Yuri said, as she hurriedly got off the bed and grabbed her Mickey Mouse t-shirt from Hyomin’s cupboard.

“Stop it. Come home with me and we can solve this together, Yuri. It’s my dad, isn’t it?” Jessica remained firm.

“I’m not lying. I told you, I’m back with Minnie.” Yuri stated, pulling the t-shirt over her body.

Frustrated, Jessica stared at the girl and said, “Prove it then.”

Yuri glared at the girl for a good 5 seconds. Don’t make me, Sica…

“Go ahead, break my heart. Prove it.”

Jessica’s challenge only made things extremely difficult for Yuri. Biting on her lip and taking a deep breath, Yuri left the room. Walking towards Hyomin, she grabbed her hand, and pulled her up from the couch.

“Come with me.” Yuri ordered, and then dragged the bewildered girl into the bedroom. Taeyeon and Tiffany followed them to the room, wondering what Yuri was up to. Standing in front of Jessica, Yuri stood beside Hyomin and held tightly onto her hand.

Please, Sica. Don’t.

“That doesn’t prove any—“

In a flash, the tanned girl pulled Hyomin in and kissed her on the lips, taking everyone by surprise.

Jessica watched with teary eyes as the intimacy went on for several seconds. Finally breaking off, Yuri then stared at Jessica. “I can do more… If you want. But personally, I’d prefer privacy--”

But before Yuri could finish, Tiffany had struck the girl on the cheek.

“That’s enough! How far are you gonna go?” Tiffany scolded.

While Tiffany glared at her, Yuri looked down, spotting drops of water staining the wooden floor at Jessica’s feet, formed by Jessica’s tears. She knew right there and then, that she had broken Jessica’s heart.

I’m sorry…

Tiffany walked over to Jessica and tugged on her arm. “Let’s go, Jessi. You had enough.”

Ignoring Tiffany, Jessica stepped forward and stopped in front of the tanned girl. “Look at me, Kwon Yuri.”

Yuri bit onto her tongue hard. She wanted to stop her own tears from spilling; but she needed to continue the act. She needed to do this. For Jessica.

“Look, at me.” Jessica said again, her voice shaking.

Slowly, Yuri raised her head. Looking into Jessica’s reddened eyes, she could barely hold her tears back, and one single tear rolled down her cheek. Immediately, Jessica hugged the taller girl tightly, and cried on her shoulder.

“Why are you doing this…?”

It was killing Yuri to continue her act. “Leave...” she managed to say, gently pushing Jessica away.

The blonde hugged her tighter. “Please… Just stop this now!! Yuri, I know you…”

The taller girl was at the brink of breaking. With more force this time, Yuri pushed Jessica away. “Leave now!!” she yelled, “Get the hell out of my house!!” she continued pushing the crying girl. “Go home, go back to America! You should never have come back in the first place!!”

Jessica was crying and shaking her head frantically, trying to resist Yuri’s pushes, but the tanned girl was too strong. “No… Yuri… Please!!” she begged desperately.

“Stop it!!” Taeyeon pushed the taller girl roughly, effectively stopping her. “Sica, let’s go.” Taeyeon said as she dragged the reluctant girl by the arm to the door.

“I wish you all the happiness in the world, Kwon Yuri.” Tiffany sarcastically said as she followed behind Taeyeon and Jessica.

Jessica stood by the door, refusing to leave despite Taeyeon’s attempts. “Yuri…” she cried desperately, stepping forward to the tanned girl.

By now, Yuri was about to be subdued by the pain in her chest. With her last bit of effort, she forcefully pushed Jessica out of the house. “Go home, Jessica.” she said, looking at the girl one last time. “Just go back.”

Those were her final words before she shut the door.

As soon as the door was shut, Yuri dropped onto the floor.


Hyomin immediately got down and comforted her. Yuri didn’t say anything. She just sobbed silently.

I’m sorry…

The tanned girl held onto Hyomin, who was couldn’t say a word. Yuri was in so much pain, that it hurt her immensely.

“I… don’t want… to do this…”

“I know, I know.” Hyomin stroked the girl’s hair gently. “It’s okay… I’m here.”

The two girls stayed like that for a long time. The night was silent except for the sobs of the grief-stricken girl.


It had been a long night for everyone. Jessica had been nothing but broken, and expectedly, there was nothing Tiffany and Taeyeon could do to fix the girl. They tried comforting her, but to no avail. They cursed Yuri, only to receive backlash from Jessica. Even till now, the girl was stubborn. She would not hear any of it. The couple eventually gave up, and left the girl alone.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked, noticing that Tiffany was crying.

“I’m worried.”

“Me too. She doesn’t seem to be taking it well.” Taeyeon sighed.

“Not just about that.”


“What if, one day…” the girl hesitated for a while, before continuing, “You realize that you don’t love me anymore?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon smiled a little and then settled on the couch beside Tiffany. “I’m not sure of a lot of things in life. I have a lot of doubt and a lot of distrust for a lot of things.” Taeyeon paused, and then held onto Tiffany’s hands. “But there are just these 2 things that I trust, and 1 thing I have absolutely no doubt in.” she looked deep into Tiffany’s teary eyes.

“I trust myself, I trust you, and I have absolutely no doubt that I will always love you.”

Tiffany’s tears fell as she heard it. Taeyeon was someone who frequently kept her emotions to herself. For her to come out of her shell and say those things, it made Tiffany feel special.

Taeyeon immediately pulled the teary girl into an embrace. “No one has ever made me feel this way about anyone before…” Tiffany sobbed as Taeyeon stroked her back. “I’m scared to lose you. I’m so sucked into you... I worry that if you were gone one day, I would never be able to be normal again.”

“I feel the exact same way, Tiffany Hwang.”

Taeyeon’s words brought a sense of serenity to Tiffany. Any doubts she had before vanished with those words. She smiled a little; knowing that Taeyeon was different,

knowing that she also had 2 things to trust and 1 thing to have absolutely no doubt in.

“There’s the eye-smiles that I love.” Taeyeon said, pinching her girlfriend’s nose lightly.

Tiffany leaned in and kissed her girlfriend. “I love you forever, Kim Taeyeon.”

“2 things to trust and 1 thing to have absolutely no doubt in…” Jessica muttered under her breath as she stood by the bedroom door, eavesdropping on the couple’s conversation.

“Go home, go back to America”

Jessica clutched on her necklace tightly.



The girl hugged Jessica for a long time. “When will I see you again?” Tiffany sobbed.

Jessica stroked the girl’s back. “I don’t know. But I’ll come back and visit.”

They broke off the hug and Jessica wiped Tiffany’s tears away. “I promise. I wouldn’t leave my best friend behind.” She smiled slightly.

Taeyeon stepped forward and hugged Jessica. “Take care back there, Sica. And keep your promise. We’ll go visit you if you don’t come here.”

Jessica smiled. “Thank you for being such a good girlfriend to Tiffany. Make sure you take care of yourselves, yea?”

“Of course.” Taeyeon replied.

Jessica smiled at the couple, and then walked over to the other two girls. Yoona walked forward and hugged her. “I’ll miss you…” Yoona said. Sooyoung approached the pair and hugged the both of them. “Sica. Take care.”

“I will.” Jessica smiled. Once they broke off the hug, she scanned the premises behind the two girls.

“She won’t be coming, Sica.” Sooyoung said regretfully.

“I know.” Jessica replied solemnly. Clearing her throat a little, she smiled. “Send my regards to her alright?”

“We will.”

“Time to go, Jess.” Mr Jung said.

The 5 girls did a group hug before Jessica entered the departure gates. It was the same place as 3 years ago; the departure gates, the glass panel, nothing had changed. Jessica retraced her steps, and turned her head back right at the very same spot she did 3 years ago. She stared at the empty glass panel for a long time, imagining the tanned girl with her face pressed against the glass. She remembered how it made her laugh so hard her stomach was ached. She remembered how Yuri did it just to make her laugh, despite hurting from Jessica’s departure.

As she walked to the other spot, she turned around again, imagining the tanned girl screaming the 3 words with her eyes shut.

The dork.

She slightly smiled as a tear fell down her face. Even if Yuri wasn’t here today, recalling the bittersweet scene of 3 years ago was enough. Knowing what they shared was perfect, was good enough.

I hope we find our way back to each other in the end…



The girl was teary. “She’s gone… Isn’t she?”

Sooyoung nodded. “You are the most foolish person I’ve ever known.” Yoona walked over and put an arm around the girl. “And also the noblest.” Sooyoung added.

“I’m sorry it had to turn out this way.” Yoona said.

Yuri didn’t say anything. She just kept her eyes on the runway.

“That’s her plane, I think.” Sooyoung said.

Her eyes followed the plane as it made its way to the runway and stopped. Holding her breath, she waited as the plane prepped for takeoff. After several seconds, the plane accelerated, making its way faster and faster down the runway, and then took off into the sky.

The girl’s tears fell as she watched the plane become smaller.

Goodbye, Sica.

The trio sat on the ground in silence as they watched the plane slowly disappear into the clouds.

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