Our First Love Story

It was a beautiful evening in Tokyo as our lovely couples landed at Haneda Airport. All of them had a stressful week and decided to go on a last minute trip to Japan.

After going throw the customs easily, the small group of friends walked toward the baggage claim and waited for their luggage.

Taeyeon took off her jacket and threw it on the trolley behind her before fanning herself with her hand. “Why is it so hot?”

“It’s summer, what do you expect?” Yuri put her passport back into her bag before putting on the empty trolley.

“Don’t they have air conditioner though?” The short girl complained again.

“Stop complaining already. The one who suffered the most hasn’t said anything yet.” Yuri pointed to the blond girl sitting on a bench not far from them.

“Unnie, I think Sica-unnie passed out.” Seohyun looked back and forth between the blond and her unnies.

Jessica who had just dyed her hair blond before summer started was sitting on a bench, her head hanging down and her eyes closed. She was only wearing a thin shirt but her body was sweating like she was in a sauna.

Tiffany who was impatiently waiting for their luggage took a glance at her best friend, “Want me to check on her?”

Yuri shook her head, “Nah she is fine.”

“She is going to kill you for not caring about her.” Yoona butted in. “I’m gonna tell her that you didn’t care.” She grinned mischievously before her sister hit the back of her head, “OUCH!!!” She groaned and massaged the hurting spot.

“I don’t know why I let you come with us. It was a vacation for us adults.” The elder Kwon rolled her eyes regretting her decision.

“Yeah because adults spend their weekends at Disneyland.”

“Why are you with her?” Yuri ignored her sister and looked at the pure and angelic Seohyun. “Tell me and I will help you dump her.”

Seohyun laughed and stroked her girlfriend’s hair, “She is perfect to me.” The youngest girl smiled lovingly.

Yoona grinned and gave her sweet girlfriend a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

Both Taeyeon and Yuri turned away from the cheesy scene, “Eww tha’ts fingers are curled up now.” Yuri shivered and looked back at the rolling carpet in front of her.

“They are so cute.” Tiffany cuddled against Taeyeon’s arm. “You should be cheesier you know.”

“What? Who said I was too cheesy last night?”

“No, last night was really too much. Your little speech gave me goose bumps!”

“That’s fine. I won’t make any more speeches.”

“Ah Taeyeon-ah don’t be sad. You know I love your cheesiness.” The taller girl kissed her girlfriend on the cheek.

“Where the hell is our luggage?” Yuri grew impatient.

“Ah! Mine is coming!” Tiffany jumped up excitedly as she pointed at the huge pink suitcase that was slowly making its way toward them.

Taeyeon waited for the suitcase to reach her before leaning down and grabbing it. “2 days and she packed the whole apartment in there.” Taeyeon stated after putting the heavy suitcase on the trolley.

“Your clothes are in there too!” Tiffany argued.

“You mean my two pants and two shirts?”

Seohyun laughed at her two arguing unnies before spotting her own suitcase. “Ah mine is coming too.”

Slowly, everyone’s luggage arrived and they picked them up on their trolleys before walking toward their friend who was sitting by herself.

“Sica-ah we can go.” Yuri stood behind her trolley and called her girlfriend.

“I think she really passed out.” Seohyun pointed out while Yoona was holding in her laughter.

“Sica.” Tiffany walked up to her friend and nudged her, “Sica-ah.” She leaned closer to check on the silent girl before turning back toward her friends. “I think she is asleep.”

Taeyeon made a weird face not really understanding how someone could fall asleep like that while Yuri shook her head slowly, “She is so unique that it scares me.” She walked closer to her girlfriend and held the sleeping girl in her arm.

“Are you going to carry her?”

“Put her on the trolley.” Taeyeon suggested for fun.

“Yeah that would be funny.” Yoona laughed.

“We are almost outside. I can carry her. She is as heavy as feathers.” Yuri pointed out.

“Aww that’s so nice! Last time Taeyeon had to carry me on her back she said she was going to die.” Tiffany hit her girlfriend on the arm as she remembered that day.

“You ate more than all of us that day!” Taeyeon argued back but got hit again.

“They are so fun.” Yoona pushed her trolley as she and Seohyun walked away from the group.

“Yah!” Yuri saw the youngest couple leave, “The kids are leaving without us.” She told the still arguing couple. “Let’s go.”

The group exited the airport and called for two taxis to drive them to their hotel.

“Oh my god! I’m so excited!!!” Tiffany clapped her hands happily as the car drove to its destination.

Taeyeon smiled and took a picture of her girlfriend with her phone. “What are you doing?”

“I’m taking pictures of you for my new folder.” She took another picture and checked it, “Ah you closed your eyes there. One more.” She pointed the phone at Tiffany. “Smile!”

The younger girl made a peace sign, “Which folder?”

“TaeNy at Disneyland.” Taeyeon grinned before leaning closer to her girlfriend to take a picture of them.

“Ah that’s my cheesy Taengoo.” Tiffany gave her a kiss before looking out of the window again.

By the time they reached Disneyland, Jessica was awake and grumpy which was the opposite of her best friend Tiffany who was like a little kid in a big candy store.

“Oh my god oh my god!” Tiffany exclaimed as their car made its way toward their hotel.

The famous Disney castle.

“It’s so beautiful!!! Like in the movies!” Tiffany exclaimed again as they got off the car.

Taeyeon could only smile seeing her girlfriend so happy. She paid the driver and took out their suitcase from the trunk.

“Wah nice!” Yoona looked at the big castle standing in front of her.

Yuri was pulling her and Jessica’s suitcase while the sleepy girl was dragging her feet behind. “Baby, are you okay?” The taller girl extended her hand for her girlfriend.

Jessica stayed quiet and held Yuri’s hand. “I need some strong coffee. We woke up too early this morning.”

“It was only 6.” She kissed the top of Jessica’s head.

They quickly checked in and a spread among the 7th floor. It was close to 8pm and they all agreed to go on their separate ways for the night.


Yoona and Seohyun had finished their dinner in a nice restaurant from the park and decided to take a walk before heading back to their room.

“Are you cold?” Yoona was already ready to take off her jacket but Seohyun shook her head.

“I’m fine. The weather is nice.”

“It’s kind of scary though walking around here at night. It’s so big.” Yoona pointed out.

“Maybe there are little gnomes watching us right now.” Seohyun joked and felt Yoona walking closer to her. “Don’t tell me you are afraid?” The maknae laughed.

“I wouldn’t know what to do against gnomes.”

“You are so much taller than them.”

“Don’t talk like they are real and we might really meet some, please.”

“That would be fun.”

“Yeah I’m excited already.” Yoona said sarcastically.

Seohyun laughed, “You are so cute. How come you have a badass reputation at school?”

“Because I’m really badass at school.” Yoona smiled, “If I wanted, I could make up my own gang and all.”

Seohyun laughed again. The younger girl then noticed an illuminated bridge and pointed to it. “That’s really nice. Let’s go there.” She dragged her girlfriend toward the bridge.

Yoona took out her camera from her bag and took a picture of the amazed Seohyun. She then walked up to her girlfriend and took a picture of the two of them.

“Let’s take picture like in some Disney movies.” Yoona suggested. “I wish there was a big rock so we can do the Lion King.” She joked.

“Oh we can do Rapunzel! I saw her tower earlier.” Seohyun took Yoona’s hand and dragged her away.

“I doubt we can get in thought.” Yoona pointed out but the younger girl didn’t listen to her.

The young couple spent hours walking around the park and taking pictures of themselves replaying some of the famous Disney movies’ scenes they could remember.

“I don’t remember this scene.” Seohyun looked up at the streetlight.

“I’m sure I saw it though.” Yoona pulled her girlfriend closer by the waist, “They kissed under a streetlight.”

Seohyun tried to remember that scene from a movie but was unsuccessful. “Really?”

“Oh yes.” The playful girl used her other hand to take another picture of them before leaning in to kiss her beautiful girlfriend.


“This fountain is beautiful!” Tiffany exclaimed as she stood in front of the illuminated fountain. “I want the same!”

“Sure.” Taeyeon joined her girlfriend and hugged her from behind.

Tiffany grinned and slapped the hands around her waist playfully. “Stop joking.”

“No, I’m being super serious here. We can have it if you want.”

“And where are we going to put it? In front of the building?”

“No, in our living room.”

Another slap on Taeyeon’s hands. “Stop it.”

“I can buy the mini version of it. They might have it in one of their souvenir shops.”

Tiffany sighed and shook her head, “I can’t believe I almost believe you again.”

“You didn’t say you want the real size.” The shorter girl laughed.

“Thank you.” Tiffany said holding Taeyeon’s hands that were around her waist.

“For what?”

“For bringing me here.”

“It was your idea after all.” Taeyeon pecked her girlfriend’s temple.

“But you didn’t have to agree.”

“What? You know I can’t resist those Disney characters and princess castles.” Taeyeon exaggerated playfully.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and turned around so she could look at Taeyeon. “There is something I’ve always wanted to do.” She said before wrapping her arms around her lover’s neck.

“I think I know what it is.” Taeyeon smiled and waited for Tiffany to close the gap between their lips. “Mmm I like a lot of your ideas recently.” The shorter girl said once the kiss ended.

“I have many more.” Tiffany bit her lips before giving her girlfriend a peck.

Taeyeon released Tiffany’s body and suddenly lifted her up. “W-What are you doing Taeyeon-ah?” Tiffany laughed.

The short girl ignored her girlfriend and walked toward the fountain. She stopped when her legs touched the stone and before Tiffany could protest, Taeyeon stepped over the small border and into the water.

“What are you doing Taeyeon? We can’t do that!”

Taeyeon laughed and put Tiffany down. “I’ve always wanted to do that too.” She held her girlfriend’s neck and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

“You are crazy.” Tiffany gently pushed her lover away. “I bet the security is coming.” She looked around.

“You worry too much,” Taeyeon leaned in and kissed her girlfriend’s neck. “We…can…tell…our children and…grandchildren,” the kisses made their way up to Tiffany’s lips, “That we…kissed…inside of the famous Disney fountain.” A last peck.

“Can we also tell them that you fell into the famous Disney fountain?” Tiffany grinned mischievously.

“Huh?” And before Taeyeon knew it, she fell down on her butt into the cold water. “Y-Yah!” Taeyeon ran her hand through her wet hair. “Tiffany!”

Tiffany held her waist and laughed, “That was so easy Taeyeon-ah.” She bent down and splashed more water at her lover.

“Stop it!” Taeyeon stood up.

“Make me.” Tiffany stuck out her tongue and splashed water at Taeyeon again.

The shorter girl sighed before chasing her girlfriend around the fountain. The couple laughed and played in the water like little kids.

“Ok you won.” Taeyeon surrendered and sat on the edge of the fountain. “I’m tired already.”

“Oh it was a game?” Tiffany walked to her lover and sat on her laps. “What did I win then?”

“You won a really nice shower and a kiss.” Taeyeon pecked her girlfriend on the lips. “Let’s go back now. You will catch a cold.” Another peck.

The couple stood up and left the fountain in their wet clothes. “Baby,” Tiffany called her girlfriend as they walked hand in hand to their hotel. “Do you realize you took a bath in the fountain without checking if the water was clean or not?”

Taeyeon thought about that and shook her head, “I’m going to take a bath later and wash every single part of my body.” She winked at her now blushing girlfriend.


“And you love it.”


Compared to the two other couples, Yuri and Jessica settled for something less tiring.

“We should do this every single night.” Jessica closed her eyes and enjoyed the peaceful moment.

Yuri who was sitting across from her girlfriend nodded, “I’m going to buy one and put it in our bathroom.”

The couple was sitting in the Jacuzzi. They had dinner in the room and decided to relax their bodies with a nice bath.

“I don’t think it would fit into our bathroom.”

“I would make sure it does.” Yuri winked.

“I don’t like that wink.”

“Why not?”

“It means you are thinking of something naughty.”

“What? Can you stop making me look like some pervert?”

“Aren’t you?”

“I’m only a pervert with you.”

“That sounds so wrong Kwon Yuri.”

Yuri laughed and moved across the tube, “I was just thinking that it could really be romantic you know.”

“What? You being a pervert for me?”

“No,” Yuri rolled her eyes, “Imagine if there were candles and petals everywhere around here.” She explained to Jessica and when the latter smiled, she leaned in and kissed her girlfriend’s neck. “Don’t you think…it can be…really…romantic?” The kisses moved from Jessica’s neck to her shoulder.

“I don’t know…why don’t we try it?” She pushed Yuri’s head away from her shoulder.

“Huh?” Yuri stared at her girlfriend confused.

“Let’s do it. Candles and everything.” Jessica smiled widely.

“NOW?” Yuri leaned back.

“Yeah so we can see if it’s really nice.”

“How do you want me to find candles and petals at this hour?” Yuri pouted, “And we were in the right mood just now!” She complained.

“You are always on the mood.” Jessica teased. “Come on, hurry up. I will wait for you.”


“The reward will be really nice Kwon Yuri.” A wink.

“Ok fine but it better be really nice Jung Sooyeon.” Yuri stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. “If not, you won’t see this,” she pointed at her tone body, “For a long time.” She grinned and walked out of the bathroom.

There was nothing hard with this task. Yuri knew it would be quite easy to find candles in such a big hotel. She went to the information desk and asked for some candles and even offered to pay for all them. After a little conversation with the manager, she succeeded and went back to her room with candles and flowers.

Jessica was still in the Jacuzzi like she promised. The bathroom’s door opened and there stood Yuri.

“Candles and flowers. Jung Sooyeon, I want my reward.” She laughed evilly before closing the door.


The next morning, the couples gathered in the large dining room for breakfast. They talked about their evenings and Taeyeon made a mental note about spending some time in the Jacuzzi with Tiffany.

An hour later and everyone was ready to spend the day in the most magical place in the whole world.

“I’m warning you guys already,” Tiffany said excitedly, “I want to take a picture with every single character.”

“Me too unnie!” Seohyun held up her hand.

They had only stepped into the park that Tiffany spotted a familiar figure. “Ahh Goofy Goof!!!” She screamed and ran toward the character.

If it was someone else, Taeyeon would have been embarrassed but seeing her girlfriend so happy made her smile. She took out her digital camera and walked toward Tiffany who was already hugging Goofy Goof.

“Is it a guy or a girl in there?” Taeyeon looked suspiciously as she saw the mascot putting his arms around her girlfriend’s body.

“Goofy Goof is a male.” Yuri answered.

“Ok ok you have hugged him enough.” Taeyeon pulled Tiffany away. “Let’s take a picture.” She stepped back and aimed the camera at her girlfriend and the big dog.

Tiffany took a picture with Goofy Goof alone before all her friends joined her for a group picture.

After meeting with Goofy Goof, the group stopped at the souvenir shop to buy some funny headbands for themselves.

“Which one do you prefer?” Jessica stood in front of Yuri and tried on a cat headband and a fox one.

Yuri watched her girlfriend tried both headbands on before talking, “The cat is cute but the fox is sexy. Wear both!”

Jessica rolled her eyes and walked to the small mirror on the wall, “You’re not helping.”

“Buy both and you can change every hour.” Yuri walked around the stalls and chose one. “Monster headband! Awesome!” She tried it on and checked her face on the mirror.

“Nice Yuri.” Taeyeon gave her a thumb up from the cashier. “Did you buy one for every day of the week?” The shorter girl took the plastic bag from her girlfriend to check its content.

Tiffany stuck out her tongue and took the cute tiger headband from the bag and wore it on her head. “How do I look?”

Taeyeon smiled and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. “The cutest girl in the world.” And another kiss.

“Please, there are children everywhere.” Jessica teased her friends as she walked out of the shop with Yuri.

“You wouldn’t want to corrupt the kids, would you?” Yuri added.

The group continued to walk around the park and went on almost all the attractions they could. Even those reserved for the children.

“I knew Taeyeon would fit in that small plane.” Yuri laughed as she watched her best friend pouted from her plane.

“She is so cute!!!” Tiffany was standing next to them and filming with her phone. “Take pictures of her Yuri.” She shoved the camera to the girl beside her.

Earlier, they saw the small attraction that was made for children under 7 and Yuri bet that Taeyeon could fit in one of the plane.

“That’s so fun!!!” Yoona also succeeded and got on one as well.

After lunch, the group went into a Disney store where Tiffany went crazy over princess dresses for little girl while Yuri bought different Mickey Mouse plush for herself.

“What’s that?” Taeyeon asked but no one was near her. She grabbed the green thing from the shelves and examined it. “Peas-in-a-pod from Toy Story 3.” She read and tried to remember the Disney movie she had seen with her girlfriend. She saw the zipper and opened the thing. Her eyes went wide when she saw the three peas staring back at her. “Awwww cute!!!!” She exclaimed loudly.

Jessica was standing near the cashier her arms crossed and looking at her girlfriend with disapproval.

“I only have one back at home!” Yuri paid for her Mickey plush and t-shirts and walked outside.

Taeyeon was the last one to walk out with her bag. She called her friends and took out her new purchase happily. “Guys look at that!” She grabbed the peas and showed them off. “Cute right?”

“Wah how many did you buy?” Yoona grabbed the bag and looked inside. “1, 2, 3, 4…Are you going to farm peas or what?” She handed the bag to Tiffany.

“Taengoo, why did you buy so many?”

“They weren’t expensive and I only bought two for each size.” Taeyeon argued.

Yuri was about to take out the peas from the pod when Taeyeon slapped her hand. “Yah! Don’t take them out you crazy!”

“Whatever. I have my Mickey.” Yuri stuck out her tongue.


The couples went back to their room to rest for a while before going out for dinner all together.

Taeyeon and Tiffany were going to walk out of their room when the younger girl noticed something and stopped her lover from leaving the room.

“What’s that?”


“You are kidding me Taeyeon.”

“What?” Taeyeon repeated, not understanding.

“There is no way you are bringing your peas to dinner.” Tiffany pointed at the green plush Taeyeon was holding with her right hand.

“Why not?”

“We are going to the restaurant. Not to a children party.”

“But they are so cute and soft.” The shorter girl held the plush up and cuddled it.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and opened the door’s room, “Hurry up or I’m leaving without you.”

Reluctantly, Taeyeon walked back inside the room and to the bed before laying down her peas near the pillows where her other 5 other peas were. She sighed, “I’m sorry.”

Still holding the door, Tiffany shook her head, “I can’t believe you.”

They finally left their room and met up with the friends in the lobby.

“What’s that face Taeng?” Yuri pulled her friend by the shoulder.

“Nothing she is just acting childish.” Tiffany shook her head once again.

The little group left their hotel and tried to find a nice restaurant to have dinner. Taeyeon was still pouting like a kid and refused to talk to Tiffany on their way there.

The six of them were waiting for their food when someone finally asked what had happened between the usually sweet couple.

“Why is Taeyeon-unnie sulking like that?” Seohyun asked Tiffany.

Tiffany sighed, “She wanted to bring her peas here and I didn’t let her. Please, don’t tell me you are siding with her.”

Jessica held up her hand, “I’ll never side with her.” She grinned and Taeyeon glared at her.

“Unnie you are angry because of this?” Yoona laughed.

“It’s been a while since you acted like that for a toy.” Yuri teased, “It’s nothing Fany-ah. She is always like that when she has a new toy. She wants to play with it and have it with her all the time but it won’t last long.”

Taeyeon stopped pouting and finally spoke up, “I just think it’s unfair since she has her Totoro and bring it everywhere but I can’t.”

“Excuse me? Did I ever bring a plush to a restaurant? It’s always on my suitcase when we travel!” Tiffany argued back.

“Ok ok enough you two. It’s just a plush!” Jessica tried to calm her friends, “We are not 5 anymore.”

Taeyeon and Tiffany stayed angry at each other for the rest of the dinner.

“Are you guys going to be okay?” Yuri asked her two angry friends when the elevator reached their floor. She was afraid the two would argue again once in their room.

They both nodded without looking at each other.

“Fine. Act like adults now please.” Jessica teased them before taking Yuri’s hand and leading her back to their own room.

“Good night unnies!” Seohyun and Yoona waved as they walked away too.

Once back into their room, Taeyeon jumped on her bed and hugged all her peas. Tiffany stood in front of her and sighed, “Yah! Kim Taeyeon!”

Taeyeon looked up and saw her angry girlfriend, “Wanna hug them too?” She grinned but Tiffany didn’t find it funny.

“I’ll take a shower and I don’t want to see them on the bed. Put them somewhere else.” She said before grabbing her pajamas and disappeared in the bathroom.

Taeyeon sat up and scratched her head, “I guess I teased her a little too much this time.” She talked to her peas before getting off the bed with them in her arms. “I’m sorry guys but you will sleep on the couch tonight.” She laid them down on the large couch.

She heard the water running down from the bathroom and had a great idea to make up with her girlfriend.

Tiffany was under the hot shower and completely oblivious to her surroundings. She had started to apply the shampoo on her hair when the shower’s door slid open and before she could scream, Taeyeon hugged her.

“Yah! What are you doing?” Tiffany slapped her lover’s back. The shampoo was running down on her face and she had to close her eyes. “Let go of me Taeyeon-ah!”

The shorter girl shook her head, “Not until you say you are not angry anymore.”

“I’m not angry.” Tiffany said quickly while trying to free herself from Taeyeon’s tight hug.

“You didn’t mean it.”

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany tried to get rid of the shampoo on her face before hitting Taeyeon again.

After a minute that seemed like an eternity for both girls, Taeyeon let go and stepped back. “I’m sorry.” She helped her girlfriend cleaned up her face and held both of her hands, “I shouldn’t have made a fuss with my peas. I was just playing around. Sorry.”

Tiffany sighed and pulled her lover in for a hug. “That was such a stupid fight.” She stated.

“I know right?” Taeyeon nodded, “It must be the evil witch who threw a curse on us.”

“Yes right.”

“Why not? We are at Disneyland after all.”

Tiffany pulled away, “I wonder if Disney will approve of this.”

“Of what?”

The taller girl grinned, “This.” She leaned in and captured Taeyeon’s lips.


Their last day at Disneyland was there. Their flight back to Seoul was in late afternoon and Tiffany wanted to make sure that she could take picture with every single Disney character from the park.

“So today is mascot hunting?” Yoona was looking at the map. “We missed the parade yesterday but we can see it today. All the characters will be there.”

“But I doubt Tiffany can jump in and take pictures with all of them.” Jessica pointed out.

“That’s your fault!” Tiffany hit Taeyeon. “We wasted our time waiting for that attraction yesterday.”

“What? Yuri wanted to play too!”

“Hey guys, there is a Buzz stand somewhere.” Yoona showed them the map in her hands.

“Ok let’s go! We can also ask him if he knows where Woody is.” Tiffany said happily.

“I wonder if someone is wearing the Peas costume.” Taeyeon wondered.

“Yeah go tell Tiffany you want to hug and cuddle with mascot version of your peas. I bet she would love it.” Yuri teased.

Taeyeon laughed, “No thanks. I don’t want to die yet. It took me enough energy last night to calm her.” She grinned at the thought of their last night activity.

“What did you guys do?” Yuri whispered so her girlfriend wouldn’t hear.

“Jessica!” Taeyeon suddenly called the other girl, “Yuri is being a pervert again!” She shouted before running away.

“Yah! Kim Taeyeon!” Yuri pointed at the running girl. “I don’t know what she is talking about.” She held her hands up while Jessica glared at her.

They made their way to the Buzz stand and saw the character taking pictures with little kids who were lining up in order.

“What we have to line up?” Jessica complained.

“Is he that popular?”

“He freaks me out though.” Taeyeon said. “Yah Fany-ah, don’t hug him please.”

Tiffany laughed and joined the small line made up of kids with their parents. Yoona took pictures of an embarrassing Tiffany who was the only adult in the line not with a child.

“Taengoo go stand with her so they will think you are her kid.” Yuri joked and got punch by her friend.

“Shut up.” The short girl pouted. “It’s obvious I’m older than these kids.” She tried to reassure herself.

The line moved quite slowly as each kid took their time to talk to the fake Buzz even though he couldn’t talk to them. When Tiffany’s turn came, Taeyeon swore that she could see the fake Buzz smiled which was impossible.

“I’m sure it’s some pervert under that costume.” She held up her camera.

“They look good together.” Yuri teased again and got punch…again.

“Can we all take picture with him?” Seohyun asked.

“Yeah we are with Fany after all.” Jessica walked toward the mascot and her friend.

“My pose is going to be me punching him.” Taeyeon said as she stopped in front of the mascot but before she could do like she said, Tiffany grabbed her and pulled her toward her.

“Stop acting jealous.” The taller girl pecked her girlfriend on the cheek. “I love you.”

Taeyeon smiled again and posed normally for the group picture.

Tiffany then tried to ask Buzz where his friends were but like usual, he didn’t respond.

The group then moved along and tried to find other Disney characters.

“Oh…My…God!” Yuri suddenly exclaimed. And before her friends could ask her what she had seen, Yuri shouted and ran toward the famous mascot. “MICKEY!!!!!!!!”

“Oh my god.” Jessica said shocked at how Yuri was behaving.

“Poor Mickey.” Yoona said as she saw her sister jumped on the poor mascot and hugged it hard.

“That’s embarrassing.” Taeyeon added.

“That’s so cute!!!” Tiffany and Seohyun were the only one who felt otherwise. They joined Yuri and gave a hug to Mickey too.

“Am I the only one who is disturbed when thinking about the pervert dude under his costume?” Taeyeon frowned.

“Sometimes it’s pervert girl.” Jessica looked at Mickey suspiciously. “That thing is still holding my Yuri.”

The group then took picture with the famous mouse that Yuri didn’t want to let go and if not for Jessica hitting and dragging her away, she would have brought the mascot home with them.

“I want one for real.” Yuri pouted as she looked back to where Mickey was standing, now busy with other kids.

“You said that again and your new bedroom will be the living room and your friend the couch.” Jessica threatened her.

“This place can really drive people crazy.” Yoona pointed out. “Taeyeon-unnie with her peas, Yuri-unnie with Mickey and Tiffany-unnie with…everything.”

Later on, the group found a nice spot to watch the Disney parade and Jessica had to literally hold onto Yuri to make sure her crazy girlfriend wouldn’t jump on Mickey again.

Tiffany and Seohyun were mesmerized by the Disney princesses. At one point, Yuri was the one getting angry when a dude that she supposed was acting like a Disney prince walked over to Jessica and kissed her hand.

“I would have killed him.” Taeyeon teased her friend.

“He was handsome.” Jessica tried to make her girlfriend jealous.

“What? Did you see the amount of makeup he had?” Yuri crossed her arms angrily.

When the parade ended, it was time for everyone to go back to their rooms and packed for their return to Seoul.

Tiffany had the occasion to bump into other Disney characters on her way back to the hotel and quickly took a picture with each of them. Her collection was far from being completed but she smartly convinced Taeyeon that they could visit other Disneyland in the future.

The flight back home was quiet as everyone doze off on the plane. It was a quick but wonderful weekend for the couples and they promised that there would be more trips like this in the future.

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