Our First Love Story

S1 High School,

The time students hated the most was there; examinations. The school was filled with nervous, stressed out students everywhere, and amongst them, was Tiffany. After Taeyeon had left, she poured all her time and energy into her studies.

It surprised everyone and even herself how easy and fast she could memorize and understand subjects that she almost failed during the year. Maybe it was the sadness and the little bit of anger that helped her but Tiffany was ready and confident.

She couldn’t fail. Her relationship was already a failure and she couldn’t allow herself to go through another failure so soon.

This new motivation was not an indication of Tiffany’s mood though. The girl was still unstable emotionally and would often cry at certain things that reminded her of her beloved lover. Yuri and Jessica became her chaperon as they rarely left her side.

Tiffany walked with confidence inside the classroom. Students were chatting among themselves before the examination started but Tiffany ignored the noises and tried to concentrate.

“Is she going to be okay?” Hyoyeon was watching Tiffany from her desk.

“She has to. The girl worked like crazy to get ready.” Jessica was sitting on Hyoyeon and Sooyoung’s desk since they still had a few minutes left before the exam started.

“We are going to party tonight to celebrate. You coming?” Sooyoung asked.

“Why do you want to party? Maybe you will screw up.” Hyoyeon teased, her eyes still focus on the lonely girl a few desks ahead.

“Yah! I studied really hard. I’m confident. I’m going to nail it today.”

“Where are you guys going?”

“Not sure. I heard about this new club in town. We can try it out.”

“I’ll see if Yuri wants to go…and Tiffany too.” Jessica nodded toward her best friend who was still focus on her books.

“I bet she will study like crazy for the next exam.”

“I think so too but I’ll ask her anyway.”

The bell rang and everyone got back to their desks. Yuri who was still outside quickly ran into the class. Tiffany looked up from her books and saw the teacher walking to the front of the class. She closed her books and put them back into her bag.

The silence that filled the room was nerve-wracking. Few students began to sweat and shake even though the teacher hadn’t opened his mouth. As the papers were passed around, Tiffany quickly turned to look at the familiar faces that were her friends as they mouthed ‘good luck’ to each other.

It was the beginning of an intense and stressful week. Leaving behind her personal problems, Tiffany took a deep breath as she wrote down her name.

She couldn’t mess up.


Heavy sighs, cheers and words of support could be heard as students walked out of their classes. The hallways and staircases were filled with senior students talking about the examination they had just taken. They compared their answers and sighed every time their friends didn’t pick the same choice even though no one knew the correct answer yet.

Our small group of friends made their way out of the building rapidly. All the talking inside was giving Jessica a headache.

Each of them exhaled loudly as they stepped out in the school’s yard. The sun was shining and some of them took it as a sign that things weren’t that bad.

After a few talks, they all agreed to go to the nearby ice cream shop to hang out a while. Even Tiffany

“So how did you guys do?” Sooyoung finally asked the question that everyone tried to not bring up.

“I kind of hoped we would talk about that. It stresses me out just thinking about it.” Jessica said, holding her head and leaning on the table.

“I’m sure you did fine.” Yuri said as she brushed her girlfriend’s hair. “Don’t think about it, just focus on the next one.”

“Thanks! Now I’m stressed for the next one.” Hyoyeon joked. “What about you Fany?”

Tiffany who had been quiet the whole time, smiled. “I think I did well. I didn’t really switch answers or hesitated. I’m confident.”

“Wow what did you take to be so confident?” Sooyoung asked but then got hit by Hyoyeon. “Yah!” The tall girl massaged the back of her head.

“Let’s order guys.” Yuri said as the waitress approached them.

They all ordered their favorites before going back into a casual talk. The examination week had only started but Sooyoung was already planning for her summer vacation.

“I feel like going to New York and show off my English skills.” The tallest of the group said excitedly.

“You mean Engrish.” Hyoyeon laughed before getting hit on the arm. “Don’t go alone, please. We don’t want to see you on the news for getting lost in the big city.”

“I can totally survive in that big city! Right Yuri?”

“Huh? Why are you asking me?”

“Have you been there in the past?”

Yuri nodded. “Yeah, I went there once with Tae-…” She glanced at Tiffany whose face froze at the familiar name. “Yeah, I’ve been there in the past.” She quickly finished her sentence.

The atmosphere turned awkward as everyone went quiet while taking discreet glances at Tiffany who was now busy eating her ice cream.

“I’m fine.” The husky voice broke the silence. “It’s fine if you want to mention Taeyeon. I’m not going to burst down and cry, don’t worry.” She looked up and smiled at the worried faces staring at her.

Jessica was the first one to smile back. She knew her best friend’s words weren’t completely true but she was at least, trying to get better.

“So how was New York?” Hyoyeon asked, trying to dissolve the awkward moment.

Then slowly, the conversation went back on track. Yuri talked about her trip to the big city, telling some funny stories that happened to her and Taeyeon, even though she tried to not use her best friend’s name too often.

Tiffany laughed at the stories. She smiled and enjoyed the lively moment she was spending with her close friends. Her eyes disappeared a few times as she clapped and laughed at her friends’ funny behaviors but at the back of her mind, the thought of Taeyeon never left her.


It was evening when Yuri and Tiffany went back home. The dinner was ready and Mrs. Kwon was already excited and impatient to know how the examination went. Her daughter calmed her down and told her that both of them were confident. She gave them a hug before calling her younger daughter to come down.

Yoona’s day was also stressful even though the youngest of the family didn’t seem to mind. All she wanted was to go through all the exams quickly so she could enjoy her first summer vacation with Seohyun.

“Did you do well, kids?” Mr. Kwon sat at his usual seat around the table.

Both Tiffany and Yuri nodded while Yoona pretended she didn’t hear her father’s question.


The youngest sighed, “I did the best as I could. I won’t be first though.”

“That’s because you don’t bother enough.” Her father replied, shaking his head. “Did it go well for Seohyunie?”

“She said it went well.” Yoona answered.

“Looks like it went well for everyone.” Mrs. Kwon concluded with a smile. The elder woman served the food for everyone with the help of Tiffany.

A week ago, Tiffany moved in with the family, temporarily. After her breakup with Taeyeon, it was impossible for Yuri and the Kwons to let her by herself at the apartment. Though it was hard in the beginning because of her depression, Tiffany slowly got back on track with their helps. They embraced her in their family like she was their own daughter and Tiffany understood better how Taeyeon was so fond of every of them.

“Thanks for the food!” The kids cheered happily before enjoying the food.

“So mom, dad, I was thinking about going to Europe this summer.” Yoona spoke while chewing her food. “Can I?”

“Are you really asking for our permission?” Her mother asked surprised. She knew her youngest daughter too well. No matter what her husband and she said, Yoona would still find a way to get what she wanted.

The youngest girl smiled innocently, “Of course I have to ask for your permission.”

Yuri rolled her eyes at the innocent act her sister was trying to pull. “You know you will go anyway, stop the act.”

“I’m not acting!”

“She wants more pocket money.”

“You know I’ll give you money Yoongie. You just need to-”

Yoona sighed. “Come to the company and work, blablabla.” The youngest girl swayed her hand in the air, annoyed.

“Spoiled little kid.” Yuri mumbled and her sister glared at her.

“What about you two, any plans for this summer?” Mr. Kwon asked the two other girls in the room.

Yuri made a blowfish face and shook her head like she had no plans while the truth was, she was planning to use her vacation to move in with Jessica. The young couple was still waiting for the right time to talk to their parents about it.

Tiffany, who was bringing the dishes over shook her head as well. “I’ll wait until the results are out before planning anything. I don’t think I’ll go anywhere if I fail.”

“You won’t fail. You studied like crazy. Don’t worry.” Yuri tried to reassure her friend.

“I hope it would be enough.” Tiffany sighed as she sat next to her friend.

“Come on kids; let’s not worry over this during dinner. Enjoy the food instead.” Mrs. Kwon was the last one to sit at the table.

Everyone thanked her for the food before they started eating.

Los Angeles,

Taeyeon’s POV

It had been one week in Los Angeles already. I actually thought that time wouldn’t move at all but the first week went by quite fast. Or maybe it was all those hours doing nothing in my hotel room that went by fast.

Sunye was still in the hospital but she was getting better and better each day. It was quite ironical how her health was increasing while mine was decreasing as each day passed.

Yuri texted me and told me Tiffany was getting better and while I was reassured to know that, it didn’t make me feel better.

Today, I decided to get out a little bit instead of locking myself between these four walls.

I needed to breathe.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky in the middle of the afternoon. The people outside were in a good mood whether they were hanging out with friends or walking alone on these large streets.

Walking past the different clothing stores, I thought about her again. She could be a crazy shopaholic sometimes and I thought about how happy and delighted she would be if she were there with me.

I found a nice restaurant with a small terrace and decided to have a drink. It had been a week since I did nothing but wander between my hotel and the hospital. It was like vacation. Sitting there sipping my drink and watching anonymous men and women walked around living their lives was something that I had wished to do for a longtime.

The past year was like a dramatic movie. Thinking back, there were not many occasions to just sit and relax completely. There was always something lingering at the back of my mind.

I took out my phone and went through the latest messages that Yuri had sent me. She was warming up to me again. Her texts were a little longer and there were no more short and cold replies whenever I asked about Tiffany.

She said Tiffany was confident with her exams and she studied really hard for them. I knew she could totally do it. She also told me about their study sessions at her home and it reminded me of those hours tutoring Tiffany. She often got distracted when I was tutoring her. She would whine and complain about being lock at home while her friends were playing outside. That was so childish but I missed it so much. I would give anything for her to whine and complain to me again.

“Are you finished?” The tall waitress pointed to my empty glass.

“Yes.” I nodded and with a smile she took it and put it on her tray before looking back at me. “Do you want anything else?”

“No thanks.” I smiled politely and she walked away.

I took a look at my watch and saw it was getting close to 6pm already. I still had to go and visit Sunye at the hospital. I shoved my phone into my pocket and was about to stand up when someone approached me.

“Hum excuse-me, are you Kim Taeyeon?” It was a girl about my age that I’ve never seen before.

I looked at her curiously and nodded slowly, “Yes I am. And you are?”

She extended her hand with a smile, “I’m Kim Seungyeon. We were in the same class in high school.”

I unconsciously tilted my head trying to remember her face but was unsuccessful. Nonetheless, she laughed at my expression and I suddenly became self-conscious.

“Don’t worry; I didn’t expect you to remember me.” She laughed before pointing to the empty chair across the table. “May I?”

A year ago, before Tiffany came into my life, I wouldn’t even look at this stranger girl let alone spoke to her but now, I found myself unable to shoo her away. “Sure.” I nodded and she took her seat.

“Wow.” She suddenly exclaimed and like earlier, I tilted my head not understanding.

“What is it?”

“No, I just…it’s hard to believe I’m talking to THE Kim Taeyeon.” She laughed again. “You can’t even imagine how hard it was for me to approach you just now.”

“I see.”

“So what are you doing here? Did you transfer here?”

“No, I’m here for personal business.” I said simply.

“Oh…I read that you quit your father’s company.”

It wasn’t a conversation that I felt like having anymore. “I did.” Short answers were what I did best. It drove people away and can cut short to any conversation. At that very moment, I only wanted her to leave by herself.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” She apologized and I nodded. “It’s just…that was the only thing we knew about you. You weren’t really talkative.”

“I’m trying to change.”

“I can see that. You aren’t that scary now that I talk to you.”

“A-Are you living here now?” I asked her. That was basic conversation. I was trying to make an effort.

“Yes. I moved there with my family about 2 years ago.”

“I see.”

She smiled at me and it felt like she was studying me like I was a book that she was trying to read. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school though? I thought it was exams week.”

“I’m taking them a little later.” I explained.

“It will be easy for you. You are so smart.”


“I remember how you were always the first in school even though it looked like you didn’t care. That was impressive.”

I smiled politely and she went on with her compliments. “And you were really popular too. Lot of students had a crush on you.”

“Really?” I asked curiously. This was something I never paid attention to since I only hung out with Yuri and tried to stay away from everyone else.

“You didn’t know? There was a fanclub too.” She said happily. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice it. Those girls were crazy about you.”

“A fanclub? Why?”

“Well, you know the Boys over Flowers drama don’t you? That’s the same. You are rich, smart and attractive and you have that mysterious bad girl feel that students love.” She explained.

“I’m not that good…” My thoughts wandered back to her. Tiffany used to say the same.

“Are you okay?” She asked and I realized I had zone out.

“Y-Yeah, hum…” I checked my watch, “I’m sorry but I have to go.” I stood up.

“Oh s-sure.” She also stood up and offered me her hand. “It was nice talking to you.”

I smiled and shook her hand, “The same. Have a great evening.”

“Thanks. You too.” She smiled and walked away first.  

I knew how people at school saw me but it was hard to believe that I had ‘fans’. Yuri had told me before that some students liked me but I didn’t believe her. What was there to like? I thought she was just teasing me but hearing it from someone I couldn’t even remember was different. It was a little weird.

Kwon’s Residence,

Another study night. It had become a daily routine for Tiffany to study every night in her room when they weren’t holding study sessions in the kitchen. It was the only thing she could do to keep her mind off Taeyeon.

Lying on the bed, she read the notes Yuri lent to her for their literature exam. She felt tired and knew it was better to go sleep early but she couldn’t. Every night was the same. She had to wait until her eyes were too tired to go to bed. It was the only solution so she would not think about her. She had to sleep before her mind wandered to the one that she missed so much.

Tiffany sighed and looked over her shoulder at her phone lying on the nightstand. She wanted to reach for it and write to Taeyeon so badly. She wanted to hear her voice. It hurt her so much to know that a few weeks ago, they were still sharing the same bed. How did things turn so badly? How could two people who loved each other so much be separated that easily?

Thankfully, Yuri would always update her about Taeyeon’s stay in the US. She wouldn’t say it directly to her though. It was always said to a third party and Tiffany would always overhear it although she knew Yuri made sure she would hear it.

Her friends were all trying to make things easier for her by not talking about Taeyeon. There was always an awkward silence when one of them let her name slip off their mouth. She understood why they were doing it but it was frustrating to her.

Another sigh.

Tiffany put the notes down on the nightstand before turning off the light.

She was still not sleepy and it only meant one thing. She was going to mourn over the loss of her first relationship until sleep could take her away.

Los Angeles,

Taeyeon’s POV

I sat on the chair beside Sunye’s bed and watched as she ate her dinner. It was becoming a habit to visit her at night. Her parents mostly came and stayed with her from morning until late afternoon.

Sunye drank her soup while I read the newspaper in silence. That was mostly how my evening visits were like. Sunye would talk to me about various things that happened in the day with her checkups while I listened and commented a few times.

She asked me about my days too but there was nothing I could say. I made up some lies about walking around the city and doing some shopping but I knew she figured out I was lying.

“I’m seriously worried about you.” Sunye looked at me, concerned.

“You don’t have to be.”

“You are like a ghost Taeyeon. Do you even sleep and eat anymore?” She studied my face.

“Of course I do! I wouldn’t be sitting here if I wasn’t.” I tried to pass it as a joke. The constant stares were making me feel uneasy.

But she insisted. “Taeyeon.”

“I’m fine.” I looked at her. “I heard you might leave this room next week already?”

“That’s what I hope for but I’m not sure it will happen.”

“Your health is getting better. I heard the doctor said you are recovering faster than he thought you would.”

“I’m feeling better too.”

“That’s good.” I nodded.

“But you look like a mess.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” I smiled. It was easier to talk to her now. We could joke around without feeling uncomfortable.

“Taeyeon.” She called my name intensely again.

“I went out today and even met some girl who was in my class 2 years ago.” I changed the topic.

“Oh really? What’s her name?”

“Kim Seungyeon? I think.” I wasn’t sure I remembered her name right.

“Ah I remember her. She was in our class in middle school too I think.”

“I have no idea.” I admitted.

“Of course you won’t remember her.” She smiled. “Who do you actually remember?”

I shook my head. I remembered no one. I didn’t care either. I didn’t need friends, I didn’t want friends. Thinking back on those years, I’ve changed so much. Did we have those kinds of conversations with Sunye back then? Even with her I was quiet. What did she see in me anyway?

“You know,” Sunye shifted a little on her bed before speaking. “I admire Tiffany. I might not be her biggest fan but I truly admire her.”

Her sudden confession startled me. I kept staring at her, waiting for her to continue. I probably had a funny and puzzled look on my face since she laughed a little.

“How long have we known each other Taeyeon?” She asked.

“Since we were 8 or 9?”

“So ten years.” She nodded. “All these years and I’ve never been able to help you open up. I remember when we were together and I see the way you are now, you’re shining. Your smile look genuine, your eyes don’t have that painful look in them anymore…you look happy Taeyeon-ah. And that’s because of her.”

I smiled sadly and leaned back on my chair. It was true. I’ve changed a lot since I met her. Tiffany turned my world upside down but in a good way. I learned how to express myself, I learned to enjoy people’s company, I learned to love and be loved. I was finally in a good place and it was all thanked to Tiffany.

But I screwed up.

“She will forgive you.”


“You think it’s over but I’m sure it isn’t. She loves you and you love her. There is no reason you two don’t end up together.”

I kept quiet. There was nothing to say anyway. I could only wish Tiffany would take me back but I knew she had no reasons to do so. I broke her heart so many times already. There were better fishes out there waiting for her.

After another half an hour of talking, I took my leave. The walk from the hospital to my hotel was getting more and more familiar. It became a routine. Maybe I needed something like this to keep me sane. I didn’t want to admit it but I was getting homesick.

I missed the familiarity of Seoul. I missed the possibility to take my car and drive to meet my friends. I missed my apartment, I missed my bed and more than anything, I missed Tiffany.

It was probably cliché but everything around me was bland without her. She was my sunshine, my air, but I had to lose her to realize all this.

That night, clinging on the small hope left in me, I fell asleep.

S1 High School,

Another day for high school students. As some teenagers made their way into the building, others stood inside, enjoying the street food across the street. Among them was Sooyoung, standing in the middle of a small crowd.

She was eating in a rush since she was going to be late for her next exam. Next to her, Hyoyeon was grabbing her friend’s arm and trying to pull her away.

“You must be kidding me. Can’t you wait until exam is over? We’re going to be late.” The shorter girl tried to drag her friend again.

“Aish. Just one more.” Sooyoung took some money out of her pocket but Hyoyeon was too strong and finally she got drag away from the food stand.

“You can eat later!”

Together, they rushed to the school.

“YAH! Let me go!” A high-pitch voice was heard in the street.

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung stopped on track as they saw a girl and a guy arguing near the school’s gate.

“Hmm…should we help her?”

“That’s Gyuri though.”

“Aish.” Sooyoung rolled her eyes before walking toward the arguing people.

“I told you to let me go!!” Gyuri tried to free herself from the man’s grip.

“Shut up!” The guy tried to drag her off but a sudden hand on his arm made him stop. “Yah! Who are you?” He screamed at the stranger.

“Let go of her, you idiot.” Sooyoung grabbed Gyuri’s arm and tried to pull her away.

“What are you doing?” The guy let go of Gyuri so he could use both hands to push Sooyoung away, but his lack of strength only made Sooyoung smirked.

“Don’t make me punch you punk.” Sooyoung pulled Gyuri behind her before confronting the guy. “Aish, how old are you? You look so small.” She teased him.

Though it was a guy, he was indeed much shorter than Sooyoung and by his appearance, he also seemed weaker.

From afar, Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. “Yah! Choi Sooyoung! We’re going to be late!”

Hearing her friend’s words, Sooyoung sighed and slapped the guy’s head playfully, like she was hitting a naughty kid. “Be smart and go back to your mommy, ok? Don’t bother girls in the middle of the street anymore. Good kid.” She patted his head before walking away, dragging Gyuri with her.

When they joined Hyoyeon, Sooyoung let go of the arm she was holding.

“Thank you Sooyoung.” Gyuri smiled at the tall girl. “You were really brave.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked up to the taller girl.

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes at the obvious. She nudged Sooyoung and the latter understood.

“If you want to thank me, you can buy me food.” Sooyoung grinned before walking away.

“I can’t believe it.” Hyoyeon whispered when Sooyoung caught up with her on the stairs.

“I had to do something!” Sooyoung exclaimed.

“She is going to cling to you now.” The shorter girl laughed. “Yuri is going to be so happy.”

“Shut up.” The tall girl pushed her friend away before entering her class.

Jessica’s House,

That evening, Yuri went over to Jessica’s house for dinner and tutoring sessions. Of course, the tutoring thing was merely an excuse to spend time together.

“You do know that my parents are downstairs?” Jessica said between kisses.

Yuri nodded but didn’t move. Her arms strongly around her girlfriend’s waist, pulling her closer. “They won’t storm in.”

“I’d love to see your face if they do.” Jessica tried to pull Yuri away. “Be good now.”

Yuri pouted and released her girlfriend who sat up. “You know what my father asked me last night?”


“He asked about my plans for this summer.”


“Yeah…maybe we should talk about it with our parents soon.”

“Didn’t we agree to wait until graduation?”

“Yeah but it’s hard to keep the secret. The other day, I almost asked my mom about furniture…” Yuri pouted.

“Well, if you are confident with your parents, we can tell them first.”

“I’m sure they don’t mind.”

“So let’s tell them this weekend.”

“Yeah, I’m fine with it.” Yuri nodded. “Oh by the way, did you hear about Sooyoung?”

“What with her?”

“She helped Gyuri this morning and now the girl won’t leave her alone” She laughed out loud. It was too funny that her friend was stuck with Gyuri’s craziness now.

“Stop laughing like a crazy woman and help me study.” Jessica grabbed her girlfriend’s hand and pulled her up.

Yuri whined but still complied. “Aish, I thought we came here to take a break?”

“No, I did ask you to come so we could study together.”

“Well, I read between the lines.”

“There was nothing between the lines you horny teenager.” Jessica knocked Yuri’s head.

“Yeah right, you weren’t complaining last t-”

Another hit and Yuri groaned in pain. She massaged her head and pouted. “Fine fine, let’s study.”

Kwon’s Residence,

In the blink of an eye, the week was already over. The stressful days went by and it was finally time to rest for the hard working students. In her room, Tiffany could finally breathe though the end of the examinations meant that her mind was free to think over other things.

She took her phone and looked at all the unsent messages she had kept. Almost every day, like keeping a diary, she wrote something that was meant for Taeyeon to read. Every day, she was closer to click on the sending button but every day, she backed out.

But unknown to her, downstairs, her friends were growing uncomfortable at their own situation.

Yuri and Jessica were sitting next to each other in the living room. In front of them were Yuri’s parents. The elders were gathered in the room by Yuri who told them she had something important to ask.

Ten minutes went by and the two teenagers were still quiet. Jessica nudged her girlfriend discreetly, asking her to step up. Yuri shifted awkwardly on the couch before speaking up. “Mom, dad.” She began but stopped when her mother started laughing. “What?”

“It looks like you are going to announce your engagement.” The older woman laughed again.

“Mommy!” Yuri whined, “I’m trying to be serious here.”

“Okay okay go on.” The mother tried to keep her seriousness while her husband shook his head. His wife was so childish sometimes.

“Hmm…I-I…I mean…J-Jessica and I…” Yuri stuttered.

“Yuri, say what you want to say, please.” Her father sighed. “What are you afraid of?”

“Jessica and I want to move in together!” She said in one breath, so quick that she wasn’t even sure the words came out right.



Needless to say, the reaction from both parents was different. Her father was slightly shocked while her mother was beyond happy.

“Omo that’s so cute, don’t you think honey?” She nudged her husband. “My baby Yul is growing up so fast!” She stood up and walked over her daughter to give her a hug and squeezed her cheeks.

“Mom.”  Yuri tried to get away. “So are you two okay with this?”

“What did your parents say?” Mr. Kwon asked Jessica.

The young girl shifted a little, “Well…”

“They don’t know yet.” Yuri jumped in.

“We were planning to ask them after the exam’s result.” She admitted.

“That’s a good idea.” Mr. Kwon nodded. “I personally do not mind if you want to live together. After all, you will be going to college this year so it will be nice to get out here and be more independent.” He said.

Mrs. Kwon still hugging her daughter, nodded. “My baby is going to live by herself. You must remember to come visit me.” She squeezed her eldest daughter.

“Aish mom! I’m not living now.” Yuri whined and tried to push her mother away.

Jessica laughed. Yuri and her mother had such a cute relationship. She was glad that they were supportive of them moving in together. They didn’t even have any conditions.

And although she knew her parents would accept it too, she was still a little nervous about telling them.  

Los Angeles,

Taeyeon’s POV

Another week was coming to an end. Time was flying. I used to fear that time would be too slow, afraid that I’d agonize as each day passed slowly, but now that things went by so fast, I was even more afraid.

Two more weeks and I could go back home, back to my families, my friends…her. But what if the nightmare continued even in Seoul? What if it was really over? That was my biggest fear.

Coming back to witness her moving on.

Wandering the big street, something caught my attention. I stopped in front of the shiny windows and looked inside. Everything was so shiny and pretty. I could see Tiffany’s eyes sparkled as she looked at those jewelries.

I smiled just thinking about it. Would she like something like this?

For some reason, I didn’t walk away. Instead, I entered the shop and looked around. I didn’t know what I was looking for but when my eyes spot the ring nicely put behind the clean window, I couldn’t look away.

This was meant for her.

Back to my hotel, I safely put my new purchase in my luggage before heading out again. It was the time for me to visit Sunye again. The doctor was confident about her health and still a few more days to go before she could be discharge from the hospital.

Again, she studied my face when I walked in and sat beside her bed. It was probably a habit because I didn’t see any changes whenever I looked into the mirror. Sure, I lost some weight but it wasn’t that obvious, at least not to me.

“Did you see doctor Han?” She asked.

I shook my head. “I only briefly met your parents downstairs. Why?”

“I’ll be discharge in two days.” She said happily.

“Told you.” I smiled.


“I’m fine.” I insisted before she could ask about my health again.

“You should ask for a checkup, seriously.” She was about to press the call button when I stood up and grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

“I said I was fine.” I said before releasing her.

Maybe it was the hospital’s room, or maybe it was all these talks about my health but I was getting dizzy.


I closed my eyes and held onto the nightstand, hoping the dizziness would go away. I breathed in and out slowly. This was a good trick. It worked quite well since my headache started two weeks ago.

I heard Sunye calling me again and before I knew it, my legs failed me and my body hit the floor loudly.

Then everything went black...

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