
    Sometimes, you only need one reason to keep yourself alive.
    Y/n is his reason.
Idia hates people who always have that judging look on their face staring at him passing through the hall. Who talks behind his back shall live their worst life. He already has his games and figures and everything he considered his savior. Or so he thought.
  It was a snowy day, probably worse, a snowstorm is coming, but Idia couldn't just miss the hot deal to get his hand on the latest game. He left Ignihyde all on his own, there's nothing to be regret of, he will do anything for that game. Finally, the package is here, in his hands, after a long time waiting outside the store, he almost freezed to death. The storm was worse than calculated. He couldn't do anything, the snow was thick and the road is slippery, a fucking nightmare. Not until a girl showed up with a weird device floating next to her melting everything that's in her way.

Idia: The hell was that?

Idia was sure she's also holding an umbrella, and what's more important is that she's coming his way. He hates seeing people, especially strangers with the intention of approaching him for bad purposes. But she just simply walked passed him to get into the gaming store. She got out with the same game as the one Idia bought. When she was about to leave, Idia held her back.

Idia: I know it's strange to ask but.. Can you help me? I need to return to my school and.. This snowstorm is just..

  Y/n took a good look of the tall man and smiled at him.

Y/n: Sure, you don't look like a bad guy so I'll help.

 And that was not it, there's more. After getting back to his room, his comfort zone, he asked her to stay. Why would some girl get outdoor at such weather, the proper thing to do now is to ensure his savior's safety first. Turns out they share a lot in common, mostly about games, but that's enough reason to befriend with Y/n.

Idia: Oh.. I totally forget to ask for your name, my bad. Mine is-

Y/n: Idia Shroud, based on your appearance and your nickname in the game, you're pretty popular you know.

Idia: O-okay, you knew..

Y/n: Y/n L/n. I have to say that you didn't match with the Idia that's in my imagination, at all.. I mean, I thought you'd be an extrovert and loud, cause you were so freaking confident in every game and easily got to top 1. I struggled every single time facing you in game.

Idia: Sorry for not being up to your expectation then..

Y/n: No, no it's fine. In fact, it's better than what I've thought it would be. I got this shy version in reality all for myself, and it's ten out of ten.

Idia: Excuse me, but to be frank, I don't belong to anyone.

Y/n: That's- Okay forget the fact that you didn't get my idea, but yeah, the point is to tell you that you're cool.

Idia: I am?

  Y/n nodded.

Y/n: I totally forgot, your school didn't allow us female to get in.. Will you be okay in case we got caught?

Idia: Probably. 

  Idia said with an unchanging expression on his face while busy typing his keyboards with a high speed.

Y/n: You'd get suspended or what!? 

Idia: Pfft, no, chill. Your HP is dropping. 

Y/n: Shiet- You were supposed to protect my in game character, idiot Idia!

  They were best friend, of course except for that time, Y/n didn't dare to sneak into Idia's school the second time. But they had meetups every now and then. They chat through games, social media, etc. Never once in his life did Idia felt such exciting feelings. He had his hope high up in the sky until one day that ghost princess came and ruined almost everything.

Idia: Hey! Unfreeze me, it's time for me to see my friend!

Eliza: No, you're staying with your soon to be bride. What kind of groom left before the wedding? Is your friend that important, darling?

Idia: YES, and if you're not going to let me out, I'll fucking kil-

Epel came in, great, he did a good job along with his friends fixing things up and rescuing Idia. All's well that ends well, it was supposed to be like that. Idia ran as fast he could, with the wedding suit still on. There, the coffee shop where they usually see each other at, but Y/n is not alone. She's currently talking to a waiter there, whatever they're talking about, she seems happy about it. Y/n looked up just to see Idia all worn up. She ran over to check if he's okay and apparently, he's not, both inside and out.

Y/n: What happened? What's with the hair and- 

Idia: Nothing, don't mind me. Did you wait for long?

Y/n: It was nothing, I was worried because you didn't reply to any of my messages.

  Idia saw the look on her face and he knew, nothing's wrong with her. Then the real problem is the waiter. Idia got his order. While the man is serving the drink, Idia keeps his eyes on his "enemy". The name tag has his name on so it's convenient, Haku. Idia makes sure to give this man a visit in the near future.

Y/n: You looked tense. 

Idia: Who? Me? You must be kidding.

Y/n: I'm not a child, Idia, I can recognize that exhausted look on you. What exactly happened? If you don't tell me, I'll go home.

Idia: Okay, okay, I'll tell you. 

  And so he told her everything, the ghost princess, the wedding, the efforts in helping him, and the ending. 

Y/n: Woah, you've been through all of that?

  Her eyes sparkled, she was more than thrilled. She tried to touch his hair but was stopped cause he told her it'd be dangerous to touch it with bare hands. So she switched to investigate the suit.

Y/n: This is high quality stuff, no kidding. The princess has good fashion sense, I mean she and her people transformed you into..  this. What a masterpiece! You look great. Your future wife would be glad if she knew she's going to marry a man that looks like this. 

  Idia's hair changed into an orangish red tone, which also applied for his face.

Y/n: I didn't know you could also do this.. 

  He took a sip of his drink and returned to his normal state.

Idia: Cause there's no need in telling you. But you saw it after all.

Y/n: Okay. 

  The waiter came out with the bill, he chats a bit with Y/n while she got the money out to pay him. Little did he knew, Idia got a whole plan in his head, just for him.

Y/n: Do you need me to escort you back?

Idia: I don't want to bother you. Besides, we got a whole gaming night waiting. So see you in the next few hours.

Y/n: About that.. I got an invitation to go out tonight. So.. 

Idia: With whom? The waiter you just met?

Y/n: Look.. I'm sorry for this sudden plan of mine. I'd make it up to you later.. Is that okay?

Idia: Yeah, sure, have fun. Make sure to bring me some gifts.

Y/n: Definitely.

   She hugged him goodbye. Idia went back, it suddenly felt so empty. Ortho had to tell him that he should change his clothes and finished upgrading the programme he promised, or else Idia would've stayed in the same position, looking up the ceiling for hours. A sudden knock on the door, normally nobody would visit at this hour, so Idia sits up, viewing his camera. Malleus Draconia, he wasn't there when the event happened, so what brought him here. Idia decided to chat with Malleus through the microphone, he was too lazy to get out anyway.

Malleus: I heard about what happened. Sorry I couldn't help. But since you're a genius in repairing machines and stuffs which I know nothing of, can you help me fix this stuff? It'll be quick. Imma leave it here to Ortho. If there's anything I can help, I'd be glad to.

 Idia shrugged, maybe he could just do some good stuff without receiving anything in return. But wait, aid from one of the most powerful mages in the world doesn't seem to come this easily. It'd be a waste to not do so. Never in his life did he open a door this quick, he faced Malleus while the man was stunned.

Idia: Do you happen to know any type of drug that put people to sleep, the long lasting and unharmful one?

Malleus: I do.

Idia: I'll fix this thing and you hand me the drug. Tomorrow, hand it to me, here.

Malleus: Sure. 

Idia: You're not even wonder why I ask for that thing?

Malleus: It doesn't matter to me.  You did mention that it's unharmful, but do you need a cure?

Idia: Ugh.. no. It's best if the person sleep forever.

Malleus: Right, see you tomorrow then.

Everything is following his plan, but he has to act quick or else Haku is going to ask Y/n to be his girlfriend. Idia is no normal man, he's considered by many to be a genius both in magic and academics. What's more dangerous than facing a genius? A yandere genius. Idia waited at the coffee shop, successfully poisoned the man. The drug comes with a spell, which is convenient, it's like controlling when should a bomb explode. Nightfall, the man ended his shift and prepared to go home.

Haku: Oh, Idia-san, you're still here.

Idia: ᛖᚡᛋᛁᚷᛋᛚᛖᛖᛈ.

Haku: What did you say...

  Haku fell asleep, Idia's people caught him. Under Idia's order, he was sent to a land far away from this place. And to make sure no one or nothing can witness or record what just happened, he already hacked every single electric devices in the area, everything will return to normal the next morning. His opponent is down, for now, all there's left is to convince Y/n to remain by his side, forever.

Ortho: Do we have to do this, brother?

Idia: You have no rights to ask me such question, you're just a replacement for my brother. Now, keep silent and do your things or I'll reprogram you.

 Calculating the unstable index from scanning the biometrics of Idia's brain and mentalities, Ortho was worried about Y/n. So the little guy paid her a visit to warn her about the upcoming events.

Y/n: I can't believe it..  Idia did that to Haku? 

Ortho: He's probably deleted all the evidences from the cameras so it's no use finding proof. But you can still run while you can, Y/n.

Ortho was shut down not long after finishing his sentence. The sound of engines coming from above Y/n's flat. A helicopter, Idia slid down along with his henchmen. 

Idia: He thought I wouldn't eavesdrop on him, how naive.

Y/n: Idia, no matter what you're doing, you need to stop.

Idia: Why? Aren't you the one to betray me first?

Y/n: Me? When?

Idia: Oh, don't pretend like you don't know a thing. Ortho told you one or two things he knew, didn't he?

Y/n: And that wasn't enough for me to understand the whole situation. Look, I don't know what happened, but can't you just tell me and we will figure how to fix everything together.

Idia: I can change, for you. But can you do the same thing for me after dating that guy? You love him, not me. 

Y/n: Who told you that I love him? I just go out with him for the first time.

Idia: Then there will be the second time, and eventually you guys will end up together. AND I CAN NOT STAND IT.

  Idia just literally yelled at Y/n. She was still holding Ortho in her hands, so when he fell, nothing got damaged. Idia noticed her grips tightened, probably from the hatred towards him but that didn't matter. Ortho was heavy, so Y/n can't bring him along with her, leaving him behind was also risky, who knows what Idia would do to him. She thought of using magic to fight with the fire-like haired man, but knowing his true ability, it's also stupid to go against a magic prodigy.

Y/n: What are you going to do now? People would notice if I suddenly disappear you know.

Idia: About that.. you don't have to worry about a thing.

  Two of the henchmen held both of Y/n's arms to keep her still while another injected something into her neck.

Y/n: HEY! What the hell do you thing you are doing?

  Now that Y/n have a proper view of the situation, she regretted not noticing the men's clothes sooner. Idia noticed the focus of Y/n on his uniform, their eyes met but Y/n soon looked away.

Y/n: S.T.Y.X.

Idia: Not many people know about us. To be honest, I used to hate this kind of  job, now that the table has turned the moment I realize how I can use my position against you. No worries Y/n, I'll train you to love me, it takes time, but I don't mind.

 Y/n was moved to the underground prison, heavily guarded and applied with advanced technologies. It wasn't bad for a trip, but it would be terrible to just stay here for the rest of one's life. On the floor where Y/n's private room is located, there doesn't seem to be any other prisoners or specimens. Which means Y/n just got isolated from the rest of the world, she misses her family and friends, but S.T.Y.X. got their way to convinced that Y/n got overblotted and it's unsafe to visit her. Or Idia could come up with a better idea, he might as well replaced her with some machine he creates that resemble her. That doesn't seem tough for a technology genius either. The door slides open then close while Y/n is lying on the bed, gladly there were no chains or cages, she could freely move on her own and do everything to her content as long as she remains in this room.

Idia: Getting used to this place yet?

  No replied, that didn't surprise him, he predicted that she wil react just like this. 

Idia: So.. nothing to say? We used to talk a lot. 

  Idia sighed, this is the third time he visited her this week.

Idia: You don't want to talk to me, then it's fine. Just don't regret not seeing me next time, or even seeing your family.

Y/n: Wait, what does that mean?

Idia: You know being overblot is something unwelcomed in our magic world. If I'm not the one who visits you this frequently, then no one else will and can. Til the next time, the only person can see you is the guard of this place.

Y/n: Aren't you the one who made me like this?

Idia: Yes, and I feel nothing wrong. After all, it's still better than seeing you with someone other than me.

 Before Idia walks pass the door, Y/n hugged and begged him desperately. 

Y/n: D-Don't leave.

Idia: Why shouldn't I? You're the one who rejected me first.

Y/n: C-Cause.. I will listen to every word you say from now on.

Idia: You.. will?

  He turned and hugged her back. What unexpected consequence. 
  Idia said he will visit her soon, but when is "soon" to him. Y/n waited and waited. She was bored. There's games she can play and videos which she can watch, but she has no mood in doing such activities while being locked up at this place. The boredom got worse when there is no one to talk to, to share her thoughts and feelings. She marked on the calendar, it was a month after his promise. Another month passes. And another month.
  Time flies, it's been a year now. No sight of him visiting her, what a liar. Y/n's hair grew much longer since then, and she also got thinner. It's not like she misses him or anything, she just wishes to see someone, anyone. He once told her that nobody are allowed to come to her private room, and it's true, everything she wanted to do, there's robot to help her. Bringing food, new clothes, anything she requested for are brought here by the robots. They don't communicate like Ortho does, so having them serving her obviously in Idia's plan. He succeeded in getting her and her attention. Y/n once had the thought of him having someone new, however, that's unlikely the answer. Cause if so, why didn't he release her and be with that person already.

Idia: Y/n.

Y/n: Idia!

  He was happy to hear her voice calling his name in such a longing tone. Probably the second step of his plan has succeeded, now is the final step.

Idia: Sorry, I was busy, now that I'm here, I'll make up for all the time that was lost.

  "How, exactly?" Is what Y/n truly wants to say out loud, but that isn't necessary for now. Idia is about to say something important according to the look on his face.

Idia: I see that you have not eaten well without me by your side, you look like a stick.. However, I'll feed you from now on. To be more specific, I'll take care of you from the tiniest details.

Y/n: That...

Idia: What's wrong? You don't want me to do so?

  Strange, Y/n couldn't say no even though she really wanted to. Idia just bursted out laughing. 

Idia: Alright, alright, no more acting in front of you. All the food and the drinks you've consumed so far was casted a spell. It's for you to obey me, mostly. Some of them are to brainwash you, but considering how it will affect your health, I use the minimum amount of those potion.

  Speechless. Y/n was completely speechless.

Idia: Y/n, why don't you walk over to your bed and lie down? I'll make sure to start training you thoroughly to be my bride.


Author-chan: So I completed this the same day the Ghost marriage event in the English version of the game released. I kind of rushed, cause there's supposed to be H scenes (yeah, sorry :< I shouldn't write H this much). But coming back from my martial art class is exhausted, really, so I have no energy to continue. In the near future, Imma write a proper chapter as my way to apologize yall.

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