Cliche Love
Dedicated to- mdlizarraga
Here you go, as requested. ^_^
Hope you like it!
------'Walk away, save me the trouble of a heartbreak.'"Mummy." A soft whisper caught Selena's attention, she looked down at her daughter who stared back at her with the same blue eyes as her father. "Yes, honey?" Selena lovingly brushed Safira's brown hair, relieved that the surgery was a success and her baby was on her way to complete good health. "Who was the man you were talking to?" Selena frowned at her question but answered anyway, "That was your doctor, honey, we introduced Dr. Sherman to you yesterday?" Safira immediately shook her head.
"Not him, the other one, with the funny hair." Before she could stop herself, Selena let out a laugh upon realizing who she was referring to. Soon that came to a stop as she dreaded the conversation that would follow.Who was he? Selena didn't know how to answer that, so she stuck to the truth."He was helping me, he's a friend." She knew her daughter had a few more enquires to throw her way but before she could, the door pushed open. "Selena could I perhaps talk to you?" Damon asked with a hesitant smile, his eyes taking a small peek at his beautiful daughter who was staring intently back at him. Selena nodded and got up from her seat beside the bed to plant a kiss on Safira's forehead. "I'll be back in a jiffy, press that button if you need anything, okay?" Selena let go of her daughter's hand and was about to leave when Damon coming inside the ward stopped her. She wanted to shield Safira from probable heartbreak that man had the power to bring. But before she could tell him to leave, she figured out what moved him to come inside, their child had called him in. "Thank you." She wanted to cry at the maturity her nearly six old daughter was showing, and her heart crushed a little upon seeing how she knew what the man had done.
"Princess, you never have to thank me." Selena couldn't stop a traitor tear to run down her cheek which she immediately wiped away. How will she walk away from this? How will her daughter? Why did they have to bond so quickly? She knew something like this was bound to happen but never could she have predicted this. As she came out of her world, she couldn't unfreeze as now the father-daughter duo had settled down to converse on frevilous things. "Damon." She cleared her throat, wanting to talk to him before things got out of hand, one look at her and he knew that his time with Safira was cut short. "Will you get me the red lollies? They're the best." The six year old demanded with a winning smile. Before Selena could reprehend her, Damon nodded encouragingly.
"Of course, anything for my princess." Two seconds away from dragging him out, Selena pinched the bridge of her nose. "Can we go out for a walk? I need to talk to you." Selena suggested as soon as they closed the ward door.
Damon nodded, gesturing her to lead the way. "Ward 206, we'll just be back." Selena informed the nurse on call as the lady in pink scrubs got up to attend to the Safira. "Look, Damon, I'll jump right into it." She said before they left the building, "You don't need to be around Safira, this shouldn't make you feel obligated. I will pa-" Before she could finish Damon stopped abruptly.
"I'm not doing any of this out of obligation. How could you make such an accusation? She is my daughter as much as she is yours, in fact, since I've lost six years on her, I want to catch up." Selena's eyes widened upon the implication. He will take Safira from her. He could easily, he would give her a better life than she ever can. "Selena, what's going on?" Damon asked as he saw her face pale, he thought she stood a few beats away from fainting.
"You can't take her from me." She commanded, in a strong voice as she squared her shoulders. "Why are you hell bent on assuming the worst of me? I'd never do that to you or her. I want to be in her life- with you. She is our daughter, she needs us both." Selena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "It will be on my terms. I'll break it to her. She has been through a lot, I will not allow her heart to take any more injury. Till I'm sure I can trust you, I won't tell her." She left no room for question as all Damon could do was agree.
Damon rounded the corner and pulled out his phone to type something in and slipped it back in his pocket. "I'm here for the keep, Selena. You need to understand that." The problem was that she did. But her daughter was her priority, will always be.
Just as Selena started to return to the ward, Damon excused himself. Safira looked up with hopeful eyes as she entered the room, Selena saw the slight drop in her expression as she saw that she came alone."How are you feeling?" Selena asked, nodding at the nurse who once again left the room.
"Like I can go to school tomorrow." She couldn't help but laugh as Safira gave her a toothless smile. How her opinions will change in high school, Selena thought to herself.
The door opened and before she could turn around to see who it was, the excited squeal that left Safira informed her. Damon came to her bedside with a bag of her requested lollies.
Just as she was stretching her arms to get a hold of the packet, Selena grabbed it first. "No lollies till you get better." Safira let her hands drop with a pout.
Damon leaned in close to Safira's ear and whispered something which made her giggle.
"Safira, what did he say?" She asked her daughter who shook her head with hesitation. "You won't keep secrets from me, no, Safy?" Safira seemed to be torn, she didn't know what to say but she had always told everything to her mom so before Damon could stop her she let out, "He said he'd buy me another packet when you aren't looking."
Selena narrowed her eyes at Damon who looked like a deer caught in headlights. They were already ganging up against her. A few weeks had passed and unknowingly, Damon had gotten a lot closer to her family than she expected. Safira was allowed to leave the hospital just two weeks back, which she couldn't be more elated about.
He would spend ever free minute he had with Safira and at first Selena resisted but he didn't seem to go away. Who was she to take away his new found love for fatherhood?"Would you like some ice cream?" Damon asked in a whisper as she sat massaging her shoulders. Safira had just been tucked to bed, so now the ice cream could come out. "Yeah, the sprinkles are in the top cabinet left corner." She instructed as she leaned back closing her eyes.
Today at the school, the children were relentless. Dave, an eight year old, had pushed a girl and that started a war amoungst them all. Selena was studying law in Harwad when Safira was convinced, the events following were life altering, out of which only the blue eyed beauty she was proud of. Her parents, one of which had suggested a purity ring, had immediately disowned her upon hearing the news. They had all plans for her, heck, she did too. She wanted to study law, she wanted to work in a law firm. But now she stood separating two kids in a playground for a living. As the money her parents were giving for her education withdrew, she thought she could do both, live her life and give life. Many do, why not her? But working a job, studying for University along with supporting a baby proved to be a stress on her health and in turn affecting her Safira. She never would let anything happen to what she fought for so hard. At those times she had wondered if she could call Damon and tell him but she shoved away those thoughts as soon as they came. She didn't need him, he had his own life, he didn't sign up for this. "Here you go." The same man now stood before her handing her a bowl of ice cream, showing her how wrong she was. "I don't mean to push you, Selena, but I was wondering, if I could have her over for a few days? You can come too, of course." Selena wanted to immediately say no but she couldn't when he looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Not before I tell her who you are." She said instead. She was mulling over the idea for a few days, he had very well proven to love their daughter unconditionally. "Oh. When is that?" She knew he was hesitant to ask, not wanting to anger her.
"Tomorrow. It's Sunday, I have leave and so does she. If you can come over, that'd be great." An inexplicable emotion crossed her as a grin broke through on Damon's face. He resembled Safira when given her favourite toffees. "Thank you, Selena. Your trust is well given." He said pulling her in an unsuspecting hug.
The bowl of ice cream still sitting in her hand now rested against his back as the heat from his chest seeped through her thin shirt. She was sure he could feel her heart beating a tattoo against her chest as he kept whispering how great she was.
Selena woke up with only two hours of sleep under her belt, she was anxious. Her phone beeped and Damon's name stood out along with a timing below it. He informed her that he would be there by ten thirty, frowning she checked the time. It was half past eight. Last night Damon left after some time, as the tension between the two adults seemed to increase."Safira, darling, what would you like for breakfast?" Her daughter was still in her bedtime clothes as she walked into the kitchen rubbing her sleep filled eyes."Mummy, Sunday?" Safira cocked her head to one side staring at her mother in confusion. It was a rule, Sunday was blueberry waffles and bacon.
Selena shook her head, flustered, her mind was not here. "Sorry, I'll start with it right away," she said pulling out the ingredients, "Drink your milk." She added sternly, gesturing to the tall class of milk.
Safira scrunched up her face but drank it obediently. "Is Damon coming today?" She knew he was, he always did but it hurt Selena how she was still in quandary. "Yes he is, so we'll eat and then go tidy up, okay?" The time came around faster than it should have, Selena still didn't know how to tell Safira, of course her girl was smart and probably had already caught on but it didn't make it any less difficult.
The door bell sounded and both walked, well, Safira was running in excitement. She stretched to reach the lock and jump onto Damon, wrapping her hands around his neck. Selena and Damon shared a look as they reached the living room.
They sat her down on the coffee table and took the sofa infront of her. Safira's small face twisted in a frown at a distance but she didn't say anything.
"We have to tell you something, Safi." Selena started in a serious voice.
Safira only nodded, wondering if she had done anything wrong. "Remember how in school people asked where your daddy was and I told you he had gone away?" She nodded again, her eyes watering a little, Damon wanted to pull her in his arms. He never wanted to see tears in his daughters eyes. "I thought he didn't want me because I was bad. You promised me no." Damon couldn't take it anymore but as he went to pull her on his lap, Selena tugged at his forearm and shook her head. She needed to do it this way. "And I never make false promises, right? So, now daddy's back in town would you like to meet him?" Selena felt as though she was walking on eggshells. Safira seemed to give it a lot of thought and then looked straight into her mother's eyes. "If he hurt mummy, then no." Selena took a deep breath at her words. Who would've thought a six year old would have such answers. Damon was startled too, she could tell as she heard him take a sharp breath. "He didn't hurt me, baby." Selena reassured her, now taking her daughter's hand in hers as she couldn't take it anymore. "Okay. Yes." She said in a small voice.
"What if I told you he was in this room?" They both saw as the young girls eyes darted towards Damon who was looking at her with a small smile.
Safira was hesitant but almost instantly her face split into a smile. But that left her face soon."You're my father?" Selena frowned a little the term, she had been mentioning him as daddy for her daughter but Safira sounded hostile.
Damon too was unsure of her reaction but he nodded. "Where were you before?" She accused him with angry eyes. "Prin-" Before Damon could say anything, Selena stepped in, "It wasn't his fault, I am to blame, but he is here now." "Grandma would talk to us." Selena gasped at her daughter's words.
"Safira!" She was quick to correct, "that has nothing to do with him. We have gone over this." Selena didn't mean to sound so rude but she caught her off guard. "Princess, I'm sorry I wasn't here before, but I will be with you every step now. As for grandma, we'll talk to her too." She thought over it for a second but as every six year old, she left it soon enough.
Her smile returned and she threw her arms around him. "Are you in our family now?"
"Yes, princess, I am." Damon looked straight in my eyes as he said those words and a chill went through my spine. His words held more promise than they should. After a while, Safira untangled herself and said that she would return with a drawing she made at school. "Selena, I was thinking. Maybe now, we could have that second date." Her eyes widened at his words, "and perhaps you could go back to University, I'm here for you both."
Selena was shocked, what could she say? She looked at him and miscalculated the distance, as their faces were now inches apart.
"Baby steps, Damon." She said in a strained voice. "We were never the ones to take things slow." He smirked at her before catching her lips in a sudden kiss. One that melted her heart. Maybe they could have that date. ......Up to the mark?
I've never written such a long chapter before, weird how fast I get attached to characters. Drop in a vote and comment! Love,
Rojesta. 💜
Here you go, as requested. ^_^
Hope you like it!
------'Walk away, save me the trouble of a heartbreak.'"Mummy." A soft whisper caught Selena's attention, she looked down at her daughter who stared back at her with the same blue eyes as her father. "Yes, honey?" Selena lovingly brushed Safira's brown hair, relieved that the surgery was a success and her baby was on her way to complete good health. "Who was the man you were talking to?" Selena frowned at her question but answered anyway, "That was your doctor, honey, we introduced Dr. Sherman to you yesterday?" Safira immediately shook her head.
"Not him, the other one, with the funny hair." Before she could stop herself, Selena let out a laugh upon realizing who she was referring to. Soon that came to a stop as she dreaded the conversation that would follow.Who was he? Selena didn't know how to answer that, so she stuck to the truth."He was helping me, he's a friend." She knew her daughter had a few more enquires to throw her way but before she could, the door pushed open. "Selena could I perhaps talk to you?" Damon asked with a hesitant smile, his eyes taking a small peek at his beautiful daughter who was staring intently back at him. Selena nodded and got up from her seat beside the bed to plant a kiss on Safira's forehead. "I'll be back in a jiffy, press that button if you need anything, okay?" Selena let go of her daughter's hand and was about to leave when Damon coming inside the ward stopped her. She wanted to shield Safira from probable heartbreak that man had the power to bring. But before she could tell him to leave, she figured out what moved him to come inside, their child had called him in. "Thank you." She wanted to cry at the maturity her nearly six old daughter was showing, and her heart crushed a little upon seeing how she knew what the man had done.
"Princess, you never have to thank me." Selena couldn't stop a traitor tear to run down her cheek which she immediately wiped away. How will she walk away from this? How will her daughter? Why did they have to bond so quickly? She knew something like this was bound to happen but never could she have predicted this. As she came out of her world, she couldn't unfreeze as now the father-daughter duo had settled down to converse on frevilous things. "Damon." She cleared her throat, wanting to talk to him before things got out of hand, one look at her and he knew that his time with Safira was cut short. "Will you get me the red lollies? They're the best." The six year old demanded with a winning smile. Before Selena could reprehend her, Damon nodded encouragingly.
"Of course, anything for my princess." Two seconds away from dragging him out, Selena pinched the bridge of her nose. "Can we go out for a walk? I need to talk to you." Selena suggested as soon as they closed the ward door.
Damon nodded, gesturing her to lead the way. "Ward 206, we'll just be back." Selena informed the nurse on call as the lady in pink scrubs got up to attend to the Safira. "Look, Damon, I'll jump right into it." She said before they left the building, "You don't need to be around Safira, this shouldn't make you feel obligated. I will pa-" Before she could finish Damon stopped abruptly.
"I'm not doing any of this out of obligation. How could you make such an accusation? She is my daughter as much as she is yours, in fact, since I've lost six years on her, I want to catch up." Selena's eyes widened upon the implication. He will take Safira from her. He could easily, he would give her a better life than she ever can. "Selena, what's going on?" Damon asked as he saw her face pale, he thought she stood a few beats away from fainting.
"You can't take her from me." She commanded, in a strong voice as she squared her shoulders. "Why are you hell bent on assuming the worst of me? I'd never do that to you or her. I want to be in her life- with you. She is our daughter, she needs us both." Selena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "It will be on my terms. I'll break it to her. She has been through a lot, I will not allow her heart to take any more injury. Till I'm sure I can trust you, I won't tell her." She left no room for question as all Damon could do was agree.
Damon rounded the corner and pulled out his phone to type something in and slipped it back in his pocket. "I'm here for the keep, Selena. You need to understand that." The problem was that she did. But her daughter was her priority, will always be.
Just as Selena started to return to the ward, Damon excused himself. Safira looked up with hopeful eyes as she entered the room, Selena saw the slight drop in her expression as she saw that she came alone."How are you feeling?" Selena asked, nodding at the nurse who once again left the room.
"Like I can go to school tomorrow." She couldn't help but laugh as Safira gave her a toothless smile. How her opinions will change in high school, Selena thought to herself.
The door opened and before she could turn around to see who it was, the excited squeal that left Safira informed her. Damon came to her bedside with a bag of her requested lollies.
Just as she was stretching her arms to get a hold of the packet, Selena grabbed it first. "No lollies till you get better." Safira let her hands drop with a pout.
Damon leaned in close to Safira's ear and whispered something which made her giggle.
"Safira, what did he say?" She asked her daughter who shook her head with hesitation. "You won't keep secrets from me, no, Safy?" Safira seemed to be torn, she didn't know what to say but she had always told everything to her mom so before Damon could stop her she let out, "He said he'd buy me another packet when you aren't looking."
Selena narrowed her eyes at Damon who looked like a deer caught in headlights. They were already ganging up against her. A few weeks had passed and unknowingly, Damon had gotten a lot closer to her family than she expected. Safira was allowed to leave the hospital just two weeks back, which she couldn't be more elated about.
He would spend ever free minute he had with Safira and at first Selena resisted but he didn't seem to go away. Who was she to take away his new found love for fatherhood?"Would you like some ice cream?" Damon asked in a whisper as she sat massaging her shoulders. Safira had just been tucked to bed, so now the ice cream could come out. "Yeah, the sprinkles are in the top cabinet left corner." She instructed as she leaned back closing her eyes.
Today at the school, the children were relentless. Dave, an eight year old, had pushed a girl and that started a war amoungst them all. Selena was studying law in Harwad when Safira was convinced, the events following were life altering, out of which only the blue eyed beauty she was proud of. Her parents, one of which had suggested a purity ring, had immediately disowned her upon hearing the news. They had all plans for her, heck, she did too. She wanted to study law, she wanted to work in a law firm. But now she stood separating two kids in a playground for a living. As the money her parents were giving for her education withdrew, she thought she could do both, live her life and give life. Many do, why not her? But working a job, studying for University along with supporting a baby proved to be a stress on her health and in turn affecting her Safira. She never would let anything happen to what she fought for so hard. At those times she had wondered if she could call Damon and tell him but she shoved away those thoughts as soon as they came. She didn't need him, he had his own life, he didn't sign up for this. "Here you go." The same man now stood before her handing her a bowl of ice cream, showing her how wrong she was. "I don't mean to push you, Selena, but I was wondering, if I could have her over for a few days? You can come too, of course." Selena wanted to immediately say no but she couldn't when he looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Not before I tell her who you are." She said instead. She was mulling over the idea for a few days, he had very well proven to love their daughter unconditionally. "Oh. When is that?" She knew he was hesitant to ask, not wanting to anger her.
"Tomorrow. It's Sunday, I have leave and so does she. If you can come over, that'd be great." An inexplicable emotion crossed her as a grin broke through on Damon's face. He resembled Safira when given her favourite toffees. "Thank you, Selena. Your trust is well given." He said pulling her in an unsuspecting hug.
The bowl of ice cream still sitting in her hand now rested against his back as the heat from his chest seeped through her thin shirt. She was sure he could feel her heart beating a tattoo against her chest as he kept whispering how great she was.
Selena woke up with only two hours of sleep under her belt, she was anxious. Her phone beeped and Damon's name stood out along with a timing below it. He informed her that he would be there by ten thirty, frowning she checked the time. It was half past eight. Last night Damon left after some time, as the tension between the two adults seemed to increase."Safira, darling, what would you like for breakfast?" Her daughter was still in her bedtime clothes as she walked into the kitchen rubbing her sleep filled eyes."Mummy, Sunday?" Safira cocked her head to one side staring at her mother in confusion. It was a rule, Sunday was blueberry waffles and bacon.
Selena shook her head, flustered, her mind was not here. "Sorry, I'll start with it right away," she said pulling out the ingredients, "Drink your milk." She added sternly, gesturing to the tall class of milk.
Safira scrunched up her face but drank it obediently. "Is Damon coming today?" She knew he was, he always did but it hurt Selena how she was still in quandary. "Yes he is, so we'll eat and then go tidy up, okay?" The time came around faster than it should have, Selena still didn't know how to tell Safira, of course her girl was smart and probably had already caught on but it didn't make it any less difficult.
The door bell sounded and both walked, well, Safira was running in excitement. She stretched to reach the lock and jump onto Damon, wrapping her hands around his neck. Selena and Damon shared a look as they reached the living room.
They sat her down on the coffee table and took the sofa infront of her. Safira's small face twisted in a frown at a distance but she didn't say anything.
"We have to tell you something, Safi." Selena started in a serious voice.
Safira only nodded, wondering if she had done anything wrong. "Remember how in school people asked where your daddy was and I told you he had gone away?" She nodded again, her eyes watering a little, Damon wanted to pull her in his arms. He never wanted to see tears in his daughters eyes. "I thought he didn't want me because I was bad. You promised me no." Damon couldn't take it anymore but as he went to pull her on his lap, Selena tugged at his forearm and shook her head. She needed to do it this way. "And I never make false promises, right? So, now daddy's back in town would you like to meet him?" Selena felt as though she was walking on eggshells. Safira seemed to give it a lot of thought and then looked straight into her mother's eyes. "If he hurt mummy, then no." Selena took a deep breath at her words. Who would've thought a six year old would have such answers. Damon was startled too, she could tell as she heard him take a sharp breath. "He didn't hurt me, baby." Selena reassured her, now taking her daughter's hand in hers as she couldn't take it anymore. "Okay. Yes." She said in a small voice.
"What if I told you he was in this room?" They both saw as the young girls eyes darted towards Damon who was looking at her with a small smile.
Safira was hesitant but almost instantly her face split into a smile. But that left her face soon."You're my father?" Selena frowned a little the term, she had been mentioning him as daddy for her daughter but Safira sounded hostile.
Damon too was unsure of her reaction but he nodded. "Where were you before?" She accused him with angry eyes. "Prin-" Before Damon could say anything, Selena stepped in, "It wasn't his fault, I am to blame, but he is here now." "Grandma would talk to us." Selena gasped at her daughter's words.
"Safira!" She was quick to correct, "that has nothing to do with him. We have gone over this." Selena didn't mean to sound so rude but she caught her off guard. "Princess, I'm sorry I wasn't here before, but I will be with you every step now. As for grandma, we'll talk to her too." She thought over it for a second but as every six year old, she left it soon enough.
Her smile returned and she threw her arms around him. "Are you in our family now?"
"Yes, princess, I am." Damon looked straight in my eyes as he said those words and a chill went through my spine. His words held more promise than they should. After a while, Safira untangled herself and said that she would return with a drawing she made at school. "Selena, I was thinking. Maybe now, we could have that second date." Her eyes widened at his words, "and perhaps you could go back to University, I'm here for you both."
Selena was shocked, what could she say? She looked at him and miscalculated the distance, as their faces were now inches apart.
"Baby steps, Damon." She said in a strained voice. "We were never the ones to take things slow." He smirked at her before catching her lips in a sudden kiss. One that melted her heart. Maybe they could have that date. ......Up to the mark?
I've never written such a long chapter before, weird how fast I get attached to characters. Drop in a vote and comment! Love,
Rojesta. 💜
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