Arrange Marriage Ke Siyappa Ss

Let's begin........

Rag pov

"watever he is looking superrr hot" squealed muskaan

Arey... Why is he coming here...... Ragini calm down nthng is going to hpnd... Dont forget he is no. 1 flirt.... I think i m Over thinking...

"seher i think we should...." i started....

Sanskar came there

"ladies can i borrow my fiance for few mins" he asked seher and muskaan...

And i saw him who has stopped his moving steps now.. He was watching us

"she's all yours" screeched both seher and muskaan

Sanskar forwarded his hand to me.. I gave him mine
Whenever he holds my hand i feel warmth
The feeling which i cant describe....

He took me to some of his associates..... I met them.. After hai hello session... Sanskar got busy with them...

I went towards the water section
I took the water and was abt to drink

"ragini" a voice called mein.. I turned to look at the owner of the voice

To my shock it was him

"now don't tell me ur not ragini... Itna tho mein pehchaan sakta hoon... Dari dari si rehne wali ragini" said he

I weakly smiled at him...

"so you here?" he asked me

"i came with..." he stopped me

"leave it... We r meeting after so many yrs.. Soo"

I got confused"soo? "

" we were not friends before... So i LAKSH MEHEROTRA is asking you for the friendship"he asked me

I m confused wat should i do now
I glanced at sanskar.. He was talking with his associate then i looked at seher who is already looking at me
I gave her wat should i do now look?
She gave me i don't know look
Crazy me and crazy she

"Ragini.. R u there"

"ha ha laksh".. I said

He forwarded his hand.. Without choice i shaked my hand with him

"so now tell me... How u here.."

"woh actually i came with my fiance" i said deliberately i dont know why bt my heart poked me to tell this to him

"waaatttt?!" his reaction scared me

"ragini with whom u r talking" asked sanskar coming towards us

He tgen looked at laksh... Even laksh tooo....

There was a silence... To break the silence

"sanskar this is laksh.. My senior school mate... And laksh this sanskar my fiance"

No reactions... Both were looking at eachother..... So keenly i cant describe..

Why wat hpnd to them... Why r they looking like this... Lots and lots of question were running in my mind...

At the time seher dragged me from there

I turned and looked at them... They were like statue

"wat seher why u dragged me?" i asked her irritated

"wat did he say?" this girl... There's something interesting going on... And this girl dragged me

"seher.. I vl tell you" i went towards them immediately

Something hpnd.. Bcs i can see smirk in laksh's face and anger in sanskar's face

But laksh may be doesnt know sanskar is the principal of smirk
Oh god is it one guy less in my life....

"wat hpn......"sanskar held my hand and dragged me out...
I turned and looked at laksh with confusion... He was smirking

" sanskar wat hpnd? "

To my shock he cupped my face

" Ragini... I told u before itself.. Never hide anything from me"

I m already cobfused why is he confusing me again


"shh...ragini now i want to talk.... I want to know ragini.... I want to know that will u ever leave me and go for some reason"

"why r u talking like this sanskar... Why vl i leave you?" i said him assuring

"ragini... U vl never misunderstand me any day na?"

"no sanskar" to my shock he hugged me

"i dont know ragini. U feel for me or not bt plzz dont leave me"

"sanskar.. Did anyone told you something..." now i m getting doubts on laksh

"woh... Nthng"

Then we went in

Very soon the function got over..

We left from there..... Sanskar dropped me home...

I m confused with this guys behaviour

Next day

"beta u remember annapurna"

Laksh's mother

"ha... Bt why mom?"

"they vl visit here tonight with their family"

That means that laksh will too come
"ok mom"

Later in the night i got call from sanskar

"ha sanskar!"

"baby.... Wat r u doing?"

Oh no this baby back on track.... Ahhhhhh😟😥😥😥

He laughed

"i know now u vl be cursing me! Now" he said laughing

"i m not cursing you.... Bt!"

"bt wat?" he asked

"i m cursing myself... For selecting u"

"i m sorry ragini.. Plzz i wont do this again.. I vl not irritate you"

"calm down.. I was just joking"

"are you serious?" he asked me

"yeah" i said

"ok.. Call u later.. Guests r gonna come?!"

"who?" he asked me

Before i could say mom called me.. And i had to end the call...

Precap:the good old memories.....

Sorry for the boring chappy... 2 or 3 part left

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